Page 159 of Beautiful Ascension

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I duck low and tuck myself behind a door, aiming for the legs of one of the shooters. He goes down first before the guys take out the rest of our opposition. I hear a grunt, and a body hits the floor near me.

“Fuck,” Elias shouts, and I see him clutch his chest. I prepare to run toward him, but he holds up his palm.“It didn’t pierce the vest. I just forgot how much it hurts when there’s impact. Keep going. I’ll be fine.”

I sigh in relief. “Good. Now, let’s go.”

“Don’t get yourself killed, Prescott. I only just started liking you assholes,” Sebastian quips, and Fernando snorts.

We enter an open space when all hell breaks loose. Men pour out from all angles, and I prepare to fight.

A draft blows through the windowless building, and the hairs rise on the back of my neck seconds before I hear a shriek and I’m tackled to the ground.

“You stupid bitch.” I hear someone wail as the wind is knocked out of me. The voice registers as she climbs on me.

Hands wrap around my neck as Brittany sneers. “You should’ve never come here. We had a plan, and you ruin?—”

My dagger sinks into her side before she can finish. She screams, tipping off me. Then I’m on top of her, my arm rearing back and punching her in the face.

“Cry me a river. Your delusional skank friend needs to know when to take a loss,” I hiss, then I rip the knife from her side and raise my hands above my head before slamming the blade into her chest.

“Why couldn’t you just choose me? We are perfect together.” I hear Samantha screech, and I don’t think. I stand up and run in the direction of the voice.

I stop short, slowing my steps so my boots don’t make too much noise. “Samantha, you have to know the only way this ends is with your death,” Wes reasons.

Peeking into the room, I see Wes tied to a chair with a gun to his head.

“Don’t hide gutter trash. I already know you’re here,” Samantha snarls.

Inhaling, I temper my anger. I need to be smart about this. It’s just me, and I have no idea when the other guys will arrive. They’ll raise hell that I didn’t wait, but I’m not taking the chance with Wes’s life.

“Drop your weapons at the door, bitch, and get in here,” Samantha demands.

“Don’t you come in here, Ariah,” Wes counters, but I ignore him. He can yell at me when he’s home safely. Then, I’m going to torture him slowly until he promises not to do this shit again.

I step into the room, and she waves the pistol around in the air. “All the weapons.” Then she aims it back at Wes’s head. “Or half his face will be splattered on the floor.”

“There’s no need for the threats,” I mutter, removing my thigh holsters first. As I bend, I meet Wes’s gaze. He imperceptibly dips his head, understanding my plan.

Placing my knives and gun down, I stand and then walk further into the room.

“That’s close enough,” Samantha spits once I’m about five feet from them.

I stop. “Samantha, you don’t—” Wes begins, but she presses the muzzle of the gun against his head.

“Shut up, Wesley.” She sneers at his name with so much hatred.

“Hey,” I exclaim, trying to get her attention back on me. It works, Samantha’s glare fixes on me.

Lifting the firearm, she motions for me to get down. “On your knees, you dumb slut.”

I fight back an eye roll, staring her in the face. “How about you put down that gun?”

“How about you get on the fucking ground where you’ve always belonged,” Samantha snaps, training the pistol back on Wes. “Before I shoot him.”

My hands shoot up. “Okay. . . okay,” I breathe, slowly lowering to the floor.

“You should’ve heeded my messages to leave,” Samantha declares. “I gave you so many chances to disappear!” She swings the handgun back at me when I’m nearly on the ground. “But you wouldn’t fucking l?—”

Samantha’s words are cut off when Wes slams his head back, cracking her in the face. She screams, dropping the gun and grabbing her nose. Blood streams down as her weapon skitters away. I’m moving before she registers her mistake.
