Page 38 of Beautiful Ascension

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His words pierce me, but I know they ring true.

“But it hurts. Today. . . today, it hurts,” I confess, and I feel the tear fall before I can stop it.

Reign thumbs it away. “I know it’s difficult, and this entire situation sucks giant donkey dick dipped in shit, but you’ll get through.”

I snort, making him smile.

“There she is.” Elias cheers and then adds, “Don’t let anyone withdraw more than they deposit into your life, Ry. You can’t do anything with insufficient funds.”

“What are you two, fortune cookies?” Fernando jokes. “Mija, listen. These two are going to give you parables. Just say the word, and I’ll stitch them new mouths.”

Elias punches Nando’s shoulder. “You can’t go threatening to Glasgow people so loudly in public.”

Fernando has the nerve to look affronted. “I was protecting her honor. Those assholes wouldn’t survive a week if they were dating one of my sisters. Their balls would be earrings, and their dicks would be made into straws to sip their mojitos.”

I almost choke on my spit, gasping at his words. “When can I meet your sisters?”

Nando shakes his head and mumbles something in Spanish about loca gringas asking for trouble, but I can’t be sure.

Our conversation is cut off once the professor walks in and requests we pass forward last week’s homework, then begins his lecture.

I can feel their attention on me throughout the class. I’m unsure which one it is, but Elias and Reign are right. They don’t deserve me.

So, once the professor dismisses us for the day, I’m up and out of my seat, brushing past them with Reign, Nando, and Elias in the same formation we arrived in. My resolve renewed, and I say, “Let’s go see my babies.”



My angel’s carrying our baby, and we’re being forced to pretend she’s nothing to us. That alone is reason enough for me to jam a metal rod through Samantha’s frontal lobe.

Her pregnancy is partially why I’m willing to play nice for now. I can’t afford for anything to happen to her, and I won’t let our kid grow up without all of us. But each moment without her is a slice down a vein—I’m bleeding out.

“This is the appointment she could find out what she’s having,” Wyatt shares. “Our baby is the size of an avocado.”

“Or a grenade,” I offer, and he chortles.

Wyatt shakes his head. “Only you’d think of weapons to compare the size of our baby in utero.”

Shrugging, I retort, “You can have your fruit basket—I’ll have my weapon arsenal.” My words give me an idea. “I think I’m going to start assembling one, so once they’re old enough, we can teach them how to use everything.”

I wait for the rebuff, but it never comes. Wyatt hums in agreement. “I like it—even more if we have a girl. She needs to be badass and fully capable of protecting herself.”

“Will you two idiots focus? We’re almost in,” Lev commands from the comms in our ears.

Tsking, I taunt, “Aww, are you still salty you didn’t get to come? Don’t worry, Levi bear. You can teach them to hack into any asshole that dares to fuck with them.”

He growls, and I swear I can picture the sneer on his face.

“You’re coming up to a door on the left,” he states, ignoring my jibes. “Punch in 722091.”

Wyatt punches in the numbers, then the red light on the door flips green, and the lock clicks.

“Now take the stairs up four flights,” Lev instructs.

As we climb the stairs, I begin to worry. Will our being here put her in more danger? Are we being selfish for wanting to be here for her appointments?

“Are you sure Sam doesn’t know where we are?” I inquire, voicing my concern.

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