Page 55 of Beautiful Ascension

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“You’re right,” I say, putting the car in reverse and backing out of the garage. “There’s a fuck-ton of shit happening, but we’re close now. It won’t be too long before we divest ourselves of the parasite and her brother.” I maneuver the wheel and shift into drive, pulling onto the street before I continue. “Then we can love on our girl so hard. After she kicks us in our dicks, of course.”

Wyatt laughs. A genuine Wyatt laugh. It’s been months since I’ve heard one.

I quickly peer at him before my gaze focuses back on the road. There’s more traffic than usual on campus. His face straightens as if remembering there’s no reason to be happy at the moment.

“Do you think we’ll be able to pull this off?” he inquires.

“Huh?” His doubt surprises me, making me ponder the possibilities of our failure.

Nope, none of these are an option.

A nanosecond barely passes, and I am upset with myself for it taking me that long. We’re getting her back. “There is no plan B. There’s only one outcome—get our girl back, even if life as we’ve known it implodes,” I decree.

Nodding, Wyatt flexes his jaw. His hazel eyes refocus as resilience sets back in. “Until then, we continue to shower her with gifts. “

“How do you think she’ll react when she finds out we’re the ones sending her everything?”

He huffs a laugh. “I think it’s best we keep her in the dark on this. You saw what she did to the invitation. Not that I blame her. That trash is exactly where it belongs.”

Smiling, I pull into our designated spot in the campus parking lot. “My freaking spitfire. I never know if it’s her submission or fight that gets my cock harder.”

“Both. Why choose?” Wyatt retorts.

I dip my head, agreeing with his assessment. Why choose, indeed? “You good getting back to the house?”

“Yeah. I’ll catch a ride with Lev. He’s supposed to be meeting with Teag about, you know what.”

Teagan is a fucking genius. I wouldn’t want her as my enemy, her coding skills are light years ahead of any of the best I’ve seen in the business.

“Keep me posted,” I request, grabbing my satchel and locking the car.

Wyatt stares out over the campus green before he peers at me. “Are you going to be able to get the guys switched into Dr. Monroe’s Sociology class since their professor is out for the remainder of the semester?”

It’s early enough in the semester that the switch won’t be flagged by admissions, especially with the approval of the head of the Sociology department.

“Yup,” I’ll speak with her and make it happen,” I reply. Then Wyatt takes off toward the cafe, and I increase my stride, heading for the humanities department.

I need to meet with Dr. Monroe, the sociology professor I’m assisting for the year, before her lectures begin.

A thrill shoots straight to my cock at the idea of being able to see my spitfire. I’m already figuring out ways to force her to my office hours. When the Council instructed me to enroll in graduate school to ensure eyes were on Ariah and prevent any more schemes from Sam, I hopped at the chance.

“Good morning, Mr. Grant. Welcome to the Sociology Department. May I get you anything while you wait?” The woman asked from behind her desk.

“You have me at a disadvantage. It seems you know who I am, but I don’t know you,” I reply, ignoring her initial question.

Her cheeks flame red. “Apologies. My name is Becky, Becky O’Donnell. I’m one of the graduate assistants for the humanities department. Dr. Monroe had me organize your office and set up your bio online.”

So, not a stalker, then.

I can’t handle any more crazy women in this lifetime or the next. “Ah, okay. Hello Becky, nice to formally meet you,” I say, extending my hand and sighing in relief.

She shakes it, then asks me to follow her to my office. “You’ll find everything you need in here. I’ve organized your files on your computer, added Dr. Monroe’s calendar to yours, and set your office hours. Your password is your last name and your birthday. You’ll need to update that.”

“Thank you. Is Dr. Monroe ready to meet yet?”

Becky offers me a small smile, still beet red. I guess I make her nervous. “She’s in a faculty meeting for another thirty minutes. She’ll meet with you once she returns. Until then, get situated and welcome to the team.”

She scurries out of the office as fast as her legs will allow. I almost sniff myself to see if I smell. I nearly call her back in here to explain why she’s so skittish, but it’s for the best. I’d rather her be leery of me than infatuated.
