Page 56 of Beautiful Ascension

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Walking across the room, I place my bag on the oak desk. I’m nearly around the desk when my phone vibrates, and I pull it from my breast pocket. Matthieu’s calling.

I swipe to answer. “Tout va bien?

“Oui. Everything is on schedule. I was calling to let you know the Senator and Miss Davenport spent Friday night at the club. I know this isn’t the footage you asked for, but I have the video for you anyway.”

“Ont-ils révélé quelque chose?” I continue to ask him questions in French to ensure some level of privacy in case someone walks by.

“Yes, they revealed a lot. Those two are sick fucks.”

I chortle. “That says a lot coming from you.”

“Well, considering Baker was using severed fingers in her ass while he tries to impregnate her, I’d say my disgust is warranted,” Matthieu details. “I thought he was going to backhand Samantha when she demanded him to shove two fingers of some girl they killed earlier in her ass. Instead, two seconds after his hand was around her throat, she moaned, and he was visibly hard.”

My eyebrows nearly hit my hairline. “Tell me you got it all,” I rush out. This is exactly what we need for phase one of our plan.

“I just told you I did. I wanted to gouge out my eyeballs and rupture my ear drums. The entire fucking time, he kept saying, ‘Does my dirty whore of a sister like taking my big, fat, long cock?’ Which was hilarious because his dick was far from big, fat, or long. I almost feel bad for the poor bastard.”

And now I need my memory wiped.

“Thank you for the horrid visual. Send the file directly to Lev. He can suffer through it.” I pause when there’s a knock on the door, and Dr. Monroe steps inside. “Listen, send it, and thanks again. I have to run,” I explain before ending the call.

Looking at my watch, I see it’s only been fifteen minutes since Becky left my office.

“It ended early,” she states.

“I see. Hello, Dr. Monroe,” I greet, introducing myself.

Adjusting her glasses, she replies, “Liliana.” When she notices the puzzled look on my face, she continues, “Since we’ll be working closely together this year, I figured it made sense for you to call me by my first name and leave the formalities behind.”

“Okay, works for me. Is there anything we need to go over before class today?”

“I’m sure Becky filled you in on the basics, and I emailed you this week’s lesson plan already. After class, we can arrange the days you’ll lead the lesson.”

I smile, genuinely excited. I’ve always been interested in continuing my studies and possibly becoming a professor. We cover a few more items before it’s time for class. Seeing my in, I continue. “I’d also like to discuss three student transfers into your class.”

Liliana studies me, remaining silent long enough to make me think I overstepped and I won’t be able to get the guys into her class. “Do these transfers happen to be the other three Heirs currently in Intro to Sociology with Professor Blaine?”

“Yes, but he’s out due to an emergency surgery,” I respond directly, seeing no reason to beat around the bush.

She smiles. “Yes, of course. We can discuss the process once we return to my office. For now, let’s head to the lecture hall.”

I return her grin with one of my own. “Thank you,” I exclaim. “I’m excited to see what it’s like to instruct college-level courses.”

“My partners are beyond excited that I’ll have someone assisting with my lectures this year. They think I’m overworked and underpaid,” she confesses, tucking her copper hair behind her ears.

I’m shocked at how open she is about her personal life. I already knew she was in a polyamorous relationship. One of her partners is the Dean of the university, and the others—the Dean’s stepdaughter from his first marriage, two other professors here on campus, and billionaire CEO, Landon Philips. Their story—a bigger clusterfuck than ours and they’ve made it work.

Misinterpreting my hesitation, she asserts, “I don’t hide who I am, Sebastian. It’s important that anyone I work with understands from the beginning I accept no one’s bullshit.”

“There is no judgment from me. You just caught me off guard. I wasn’t expecting you to divulge such personal information.”

“Good. Now let’s get to class, and you and your cousin try to keep the ogling of Miss Bradford to a minimum.” I open my mouth to refute the claim, but she holds her hand up. “What did I just say? No bullshit.”

Massaging the bridge of my nose, I run my fingers through my hair. “How did you know?

“Just because Ariah is too hurt to see the truth in front of her doesn’t mean the rest of us are fooled. You’d take heed of how obvious you’re all being if you’re planning anything,” she suggests, then turns, pausing in the doorway. “I’ll see you in class.”

