Page 63 of Beautiful Ascension

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No longer able to hold back my amusement at the situation, I burst into laughter before I reply. “I don’t know, but I damn sure will call her a horse fucker.”

“Seems fitting. Matches her ‘brother fucker’ moniker,” he quips, and I hum my agreement.

Once she comes a third time, and I’m sure she’s been screwed enough times, I turn off the machine. I snicker. The dumb bitch will feel it as soon as she wakes.

“This thing needs to be burned,” I state, picking up a knife and cutting the zip ties. I smirk at the raw skin on her wrists and ankles. This will further cement her belief she had sex.

When I hear nothing, I crane my neck, looking at the vacant spot where Wyatt once stood. I’m about to shout his name when the asshole comes back in the room decked out in full hazmat gear. “I’ll take that.”

I part my lips to ask why, but he’s already exiting the room with the device in a sealed bag.

Shaking my head, I turn back to the evil, lying cunt on the bed. A small part of me wonders what could’ve made the girl who was once our friend grow into the vindictive, jealous bitch she is today. None of that matters now, however.

Samantha Rose Davenport made her bed, and now she gets to die in it.



After the text from Wes asking for the cameras to record, I knew some fucked up shit was about to go down.

Samantha trying to drug Wyatt and Wes was beyond ridiculous but very like her. She was going to rape one or both of them, and I’m sure she would’ve recorded it as another way to throw salt in an already gaping wound.

“Five more minutes,” Teagan announces.

I double- and triple-check our connections while we wait. Tonight’s conversation could be exactly what we need to turn the tide. Each of us has been collecting evidence of all of Samantha’s transgressions, and based on what’s been discovered thus far, they’re aplenty.

“How much do you believe she’ll reveal?” Sebastian asks from where he stands. He’s leaning against the wall with his arms folded across his chest and his left leg crossed over the right ankle. He’s wearing dark wash denim jeans, a crisp white collared button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled to the elbow, and a pair of some fancy-ass brand of brown dress shoes.

It’s always weird to see him in anything other than a suit. I can actually count on two hands the number of times that’s happened since he graduated high school. Sebastian was a pretentious shit, but with a father like his, it was necessary.

“My hope is everything she knows, but I expect she’ll give enough to keep her options open,” I reply.

“It is the Davenport way. The opportunist, power-hungry, social climbing snakes they are,” Owen hisses. He sits to my right, flipping a razor blade between his knuckles.

I nod in agreement. “True, but if she wants a chance to make it out of this alive, she’ll provide as much intel as possible.”

“Okay, boys. Go time in three,” Teagan states, appearing on the monitor to my left. Her honey-brown eyes light with excitement, and a smile grows on her face.

“Teag. What style are we rocking this month?” Owen inquires.

She lifts the long purple, pink, and blue ombre strands. “Havana Twists. Forty-two inches,” she exclaims. Then Teagan swivels her neck to display the intricate designs tattooed into her rich, brown skin on the shaved side of her head.

“New ink to top it off. Badass Teag,” I say.

Posing, she responds—in a terrible fake Southern accent, “Why thank you ever so kindly.”

“That was terrible,” Owen snorts, and she laughs.

“I never claimed to be a thespian,” Teagan quips.

A notification chimes on her end, shifting her focus to the left. Teagan’s pierced brow arches before the sound of her fingers flying across a keyboard fills the room.

“Everything okay?” I probe.

Another moment passes before she replies, “Yup. Momentary setback. At some point in the last twenty-four hours, an extra layer of security was added to the Davenports’ system. But we’re good, and Mrs. Davenport is ready.”

Sebastian strides toward the table and sits as Blair Davenport materializes on screen.
