Page 65 of Beautiful Ascension

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“Samantha was originally supposed to be one of the girls Selected. We’d planned to use her to ensure Ariah was the one Chosen in the end. But after the kidnapping and her bratty behavior over the years, we knew there was little chance of that. Some hope had returned when Wes started sleeping with her, but we quickly ascertained that was just a ploy.”

A feeling in my gut begins to stir—something I’ve contemplated since Samantha’s big reveal.

“She was told to do whatever was required to become one of the Selected. So, she killed her friends. One by one until you had no other choice but to choose her. What we didn’t count on was for her to betray us and work for Senator Baker,” she scowls in disgust at the mention of her stepson’s name.

“You’re a heartless bitch,” Sebastian shouts.

Ignoring his outburst, Blair continues. “We didn’t know everything she was up to until it was too late. Samantha and Matthew had masterfully positioned themselves to take over. They undermined every step we executed—the threatening messages sent to scare Ariah out of town. The orchestrated kidnapping from the school locker room where Ariah would be assaulted and then killed. Samantha staging her own kidnapping and rape, hoping you’d comfort her.”

With each confession, my body coils tighter—desperate for release. The lack of an outlet for my rage causes heat to creep up the back of my neck, and my hands curl into fists on the table in front of me. If Blair or her daughter were in this room, they’d be ripped apart—neither deserve anything but gruesome deaths.

“Even with Elise’s untimely demise, we were still on course. Ariah was in love with all of you, and we knew each of you already reciprocated the feeling, or you were well on your way there. However, our plans went up in smoke the night of the announcement,” she snarls.

I watch as anger emanates from Blair, and I wish again that a screen didn’t separate us.

Blair’s jaw ticks, and she inhales, attempting to reign in her emotions. “When the announcement was officially made, I realized how fucked we were. As smart as my daughter may think she is, she’s not. Because any daughter of mine would know to ensure they’re the biggest bad on the table, and neither Samantha nor her idiot half-brother did that. Having Owen kidnapped to force your hand pissed all over the Novus Ordo Seclorum’s plans.”

My ears perk at the mention of their name.

“What do they have to do with any of this?” Owen questions.

I sneak a glance at the disguised calm in his tone. Owen’s face is devoid of emotions, and the razor blade he had earlier has been replaced with a hunting knife.

“Silly boys,” she chortles. “You must know by now the Fraternitas answers to powers greater than themselves. Did you honestly think they were in charge?”

“Just answer the fucking question,” Sebastian barks.

Blair crosses her arms and sits back in her chair. “There isn’t enough time to discuss all the Novus Ordo Seclorum entails. Just know nothing planned wasn’t ordered, and the wrath they unleash can not be countered when an order isn’t fulfilled. Even with our combined forces, we’d be nothing more than a gnat.”

Thinking back to the day the Council met with them and the fear on our fathers’ faces, everything clicks into place. Samantha and the Senator forcing our hand has put us all in the crosshairs of an entity we have yet to scratch the surface of their reach.

“What you’re saying is, if we don’t find a way to stop whatever plan Samantha and Senator Baker have put into motion, we’re all fucked,” I clarify, scrubbing my hand along my stubbled jaw.

Blair nods, then grabs her cocktail from earlier and drinks before responding. “Precisely, they have to be?—”

A gagging sound fills the room as Blair claws at her throat. Her skin grows red before quickly turning blue.

“What the fuck is happening?” I shout.

Blair’s body jerks, her face contorting in pain.

“Can we get someone to her?” Sebastian asks, pulling his phone from his pocket.

Owen grabs his wrist, halting him.

“O, what are you doing, man? Let me go. We need to call for help,” Sebastian demands.

A glint appears in Owen’s hazel depths. “No one can save her. She’s lucky I couldn’t get to her before now. She didn’t have any further information she could provide, and she’s part of the reason this shit happened,” he spits, lifting the hunting knife to his mouth and licking it. “My only regret is I couldn’t run her through with Quinn.”

Throwing my head back, I laugh. “You crazy fucker, what did you give her?”

“Strychnine,” Owen grins and stands, rubbing his hands together in excitement.

Teagan clears her throat, and our gazes shift to her. “There’s never a dull moment when I work with you fools. I’m out. Until next time.” She gives us a two-finger salute before disconnecting.

Peering at my phone, I notice it’s nearly two in the morning. The party should be winding down. Then I check the files of Blair Davenport’s confessions and save them to various drives.

Tonight seems to have been an all-around win for us if the pictures Wyatt sent to the group chat are any indication.
