Page 69 of Beautiful Ascension

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Pulling from his embrace, I poke his muscular chest, and there must be a steel plate underneath because my finger hurts more than my poke. “You know what I mean, T.”

Thomas nods. “I missed you too, Ariah. I’m glad to be back. I wish it were under better circumstances.”

“Me too,” I add before turning to grab my water. My head starts to spin as I approach the bench. Spots dance before me. My eyes blur in and out of focus. I make it another two steps. My legs turn to jelly, and I stumble, reaching out and praying I catch the wall, but the distance is still too great. The room begins swirling around me. I’m going to faint.


I hear someone shout, but I’m underwater. I lose my balance, pitching forward. . . my babies. Mustering my last bit of strength, I twist my body and prepare to fall. But as my legs give way, strong arms catch me before I hit the floor.

My name on someone’s lips is the last thing I hear.

“She will need to keep her stress to a minimum and scale back on her training for the remainder of her pregnancy. Her body is working to nourish two babies. I need you all to take that into account.”

“But, she’s okay?”

I slowly come to, blinking into focus the people in the room. Familiar voices key me in on who’s here.

“What else can we do to help, Dr. Jaffri?”

That’s Dad, and obviously, he’s speaking to my doctor. Thomas is at the foot of my bed, and Reign is hovering to my left.

“Make sure she stays hydrated, eating nutritional meals, and as I said before, reduce her stress,” Dr. Jaffri explains.

I didn’t think I was overdoing it. However, asking me to reduce my stress under current conditions is like asking Samantha not to be cunt. It’s a math equation that no one can compute.

“Ry.” I slowly turn at the sound of my grandfather’s voice. “Hey there, Sweetheart. How are you feeling?” he asks, and everyone’s attention zeros in on me.

Dad rushes to my side. “Ry! You scared ten years off my life.”

I snort, “Way to be dramatic, Dad.”

Dr. Jaffri comes over and shoos everyone away. “I need to do another check of her vitals and speak to my patient. Out with all of you.”

“I’m not leaving,” Dad declares as everyone else files out.

Thomas winks before closing the door, and I return my attention to the mini showdown.

Dr. Jaffri’s eyes narrow. “You will if that’s what she wants.”

My gaze volleys between them. Dad’s nostrils flare as my doctor crosses her arms.

What do we have here?

“Back to your designated corners,” I joke, grinning at the sparks between them before continuing, “It’s fine. He can stay.”

“Very well,” Dr. Jaffri concedes, breaking their stare off to grab a blood pressure cuff. She wraps my arm, starting the machine.

I hate these stupid things. They always hurt.

At the sound of the beep, Dr. Jaffri tsks. “Lower than before but still too high.”

My eyes widen at the number. One-forty-five over ninety-five. Maybe I do need to relax more.

Sighing, I massage my temples. There’s so much that needs to be done. I still need to change how the Fraternitas works or overthrow it altogether. As daunting a task as it’ll be, it pales in comparison to finding a way to co-parent with any of the Heirs. That shit feels insurmountable.

“Breathe,” Dad whispers, clasping my hand. “We’ll find a way.”

I look into his matching gray eyes and see the determination in them. He reads me like a book. “I’m so tired, Dad,” I whimper through stuttered breaths.
