Page 91 of Beautiful Ascension

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Me: Be down shortly. I need to use your computer.

A second barely passes, and I already have his response.

Colt: You know you never need to ask.

Colt: Don’t forget the encryption.

Standing, I walk over to Colter’s desk. I want to roll my eyes at his reminder. Like I would ever do that. Minutes later, I answer Wyatt’s question, “I have it set to go live tomorrow morning. Then, the video from the night of our party will be posted during the engagement party, and the news that she’s been sleeping with her brother will be posted after the party.”

Teag: I’m here. Where the hell are you? If one more person asks me if I want to ride some part of them, I’m stabbing them.

“Let’s head down,” I snort before responding

Me: On our way.

We swap out our simple black and white masks that only cover our eyes—replacing them with a white shell mask. Half of our mouths are skeletal, the other half appears to have its lips sewn shut with black thread, and a black upside-down cross sits between our charcoal-lined eyes.

“Holy fuck,” Wes exclaims when he reaches the bottom of the stairs.

“What is it?” Owen asks.

Not to be left out, Wyatt demands, “I want to see. Move out of the way.”

Sighing, I peer over to see Sebastian with the same look of apprehension once we hit the main floor. He gasps, and I jerk my gaze to a full-on orgy. “Well, this is one way to distract people,” Sebastian mutters.

My shoulders shake as I try to hide my amusement, but my laugh dies once I step into full view of the scene unfolding. Couples, throuples, and more engaging in various stages of fucking. In the center of the room, some girl is riding the face of a girl being fucked senseless by a guy who’s also being fucked by Coop. Each slam of Cooper’s hips sets off a domino effect.

“Is that Eva?” Wyatt shouts, but none of us reply.

I’m so stunned by the scene before us that I don’t realize Teagan’s presence. “When you said they’d be distracted, this isn’t what I envisioned,” she quips, pinching Owen’s arm.

“Ouch, Teag. You didn’t have to do that to get our attention,” Owen mock whines before scooping her in a hug.

Teagan flicks his Adam’s apple. “Put me down. I don’t want to draw any unnecessary attention our way,” she commands, and he begrudgingly places her on the floor. Then she moves to stand next to me, holding out her fisted hand. “Take this. It’s what O will have to wear.”

Opening my palm, I catch the black leather bracelet and place it in my pocket. “Is there anything else we need to know?” I ask.

Teagan shakes her head. “Not yet. I have a few more kinks to smooth out on my end, which I’ll finish in the next couple of days. Once that’s done, I’ll have final instructions.” Then, as quickly and quietly as she came, she disappears into the crowd.

I take one more look to see it’s definitely Eva. Her face is now visible. She’s on all fours with her face buried between the girl’s legs as she rides Colt, and the mystery man takes her ass while Coop fucks him. Seeing more than enough, I say, “Let’s go. We got what we came for.”



“Don’t think I forgot that we need to discuss the crazy guard who tried to kill you,” Shay admonishes.

“Can’t we just pretend it never happened?” I query, not wanting to rehash Conner’s attempt on my life for Samantha. “One day soon, I’m going to deflate her lips before I gut her.”

Shay pauses, registering my statement, then cackles. “Who said pregnancy would diminish your thirst for blood?”

“Most specifically, Samantha’s. She’s been vying for me to kill her since the first day of school. Who am I to deny her?”

“Okay, La Femme Nikita. Temper your urges until my niece and nephew are born. Then we can award the bitch a death worse than Vivian’s,” Shay states.

Huffing, I reply, “Fine. Let’s talk about something else then. Reminders of the fuckwit security guard raise my blood pressure.”

Shay moves the conversation to a more interesting turn of events. “I still can’t believe Sam and Brittany have been screwing each other,” Shay snorts. “After all that shit she said about us last year, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, but the projection levels were high.” I could only gawk when the video of Samantha behind the girls’ dorm was sent out via mass text and across all social media platforms. I might have felt sorry for her if she hadn’t done the same thing to me only weeks ago.
