Page 95 of Beautiful Ascension

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I ignore him and pull a blade from my ankle holster under my black sock. I’m not sure which one this is. I haven’t named any of my new ladies yet, but I’m saving this one to run through the spot in Samantha’s chest where her heart should be. “Let’s get this over with,” I state, flipping the knife for her to grab its handle.

“Never let someone say you’re not romantic,” Samantha laments before stopping in front of me. She takes the blade and then straddles my hips, pushing her heaving chest into my face. I have to fight the urge to shove her off me when she starts grinding on me.

Samantha cuts the buttons off my crisp white tuxedo shirt as she grinds down on my flaccid dick, trying to make it hard while exposing my chest to her hungry eyes. Then she angles the knife, hovering above the initial of a person I’ll sacrifice myself for. Teagan’s plan better work because I have no intentions of letting Samantha cut through shit.

“Closer, O. I need you to move the wrist with the bracelet closer for this to work.”

Groaning, I clasp her hand as the knob on the door turns.

“Shit, Ariah’s outside the door,” Lev shouts, and I close my eyes, pleading with every deity for Ariah to skip this door.

Samantha must have stolen a look because she smiles as she picks up her pace, exaggerating her moan, making me want to reach into her throat and rip her trachea out.

I can feel my angel’s eyes boring into the side of my face.

“Don’t move. I need just another minute,” Teagan instructs, but I want to rage. I will completely obliterate the love of my life’s heart in another minute.

Samantha’s hand descends, and I hear Ariah gasp, forcing my attention to her.

“You need to get her out of here in case this doesn’t work,” Lev demands.

Gritting my teeth, my nostrils flare, and I channel the anger for the person on top of me. “Can’t you see we’re fucking busy? Get the fuck out of here!”

My eyes close at the sight of Ariah’s tears.

“No, stay and watch as I carve the last of you from them, and then maybe you’ll finally recognize your place, you gutter troll,” Sam sneers. A combination of pleasure, victory, and menace fills her usually stiff face.

I’m going to fricassee Samantha’s entrails and feed them to her sister-fucking brother.

I will my angel to move. Leave baby, please, I’m begging you.

“She needs to go now,” Teagan snaps. “This will be done any minute now, and if it goes wrong, I don’t think I need to explain the rest to you.”

“Get the fuck out,” I spit.

My heart shatters at the bereft look on Ariah’s face as she stumbles from the room, slamming shut the door to her heart forever.

I’ll fix this, Angel. I promise. I silently pledge.

Samantha’s hand roams, and her touch feels like acid against my skin. “I’m glad you finally chose right,” Samantha squawks as she lightly drags the sharp point of the blade up my chest. I have to force myself not to ram my knife through her neck to shut her up.

“You know how annoying you’ve all been. Ariah this and Ariah that. So fucking annoying,” Samantha prattles on. I only hear every third word of her whining—just enough to ensure she’s not about to stab me.

Time ticks by, each second putting even greater literal and figurative distance between Ariah and us. It feels like another eternity passes when Teagan finally shouts, “We got it!”

My shoulders sag in relief as I repeat her statement, “We got it?”

“Yes, you’re fucking free!” Teagan squeals, and I hear the guys cheering.

“We got what?” Samantha questions, her earlier smile sliding off her face as she scrunches her nose and pauses her movements.

Wasting no more time, I push her off me and stand, ignoring her disgruntled shriek. “Rid of you,” I seethe, striding past her. My hand is on the doorknob before she replies.

“You’re fucking dead!” Peering over my shoulder, I laugh as I watch her push the detonator over and over to no avail. Samantha’s accusatory icy blue glare up at me. “What the fuck did you do?”

“Whatever was necessary to rid ourselves of you,” I snap.

Her face blooms four shades of red before she laughs, “Do you think she’ll take you back after what she just saw? I’m not a complete idiot. I knew you fucking dicks were up to something,” Samantha singsongs as she stands. “Why do you think I had Brittany tell her you called her?”
