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"It's beautiful," she whispered.

My gaze was fixated on her. I was fixated on her. On everything about her. Her wide blue eyes were filled with innocence as much as mischief. Her slender fingers cradled the mug in her hands. Her laugh was always filled with pure mirth. The upward quirk of her lips that always made mine tug upwards as well.

At that moment, I realized that I was 100% sure I was in love with her. How could I not be?

"Have dinner with me."

She turned to me in surprise. "You don't have to repay me by taking me to dinner. I'm just doing my job." She brought her coffee to her lips, blew on it gently, and then took a small sip.

"I didn't mean it for work." I took a deep breath. "I meant as a date."

She choked and her coffee spilled out of her mouth. Quickly, she deposited the cup on my desk. She coughed into her hand I patted her back gently. I handed her a paper towel and she wiped her mouth.

"I'm sorry. I suppose I should have asked at a better time."

"The timing was fine." Her voice was raspy, and she coughed once more. "You just took me by surprise, that's all."

"I can't believe I almost made you choke when I was trying to ask you out."

"And don't worry about it, it's fine." She dabbed at the splashes of coffee stains on her shirt with a small frown. When it became clear that the brown stains weren't going anywhere, she balled the towel up in her hands. Her smile was wide when she added, "Besides, my answer is yes."

I breathed in relief. "You'll go to dinner with me?"

"I'd want nothing more."

I wrapped my arms around her, leaning down so I could kiss her. She moaned into my mouth and kissed me back. I drew back and pulled her to my chest.

I was in love with this woman. And maybe, with any luck, she felt the same way.

Chapter Nine Sophia

Izzy's eyes were focused on me. Her mouth was set in a hard line as she rolled the curling iron around a lock of my hair.

We were in my apartment, and she was helping me get ready for my date. I felt so excited. I hadn't believed it when Alexander first asked me.

I'd only just realized that I was falling in love with him. I never imagined he might feel the same way. I thought the flirting and the fun we had in his office was just that, a little fun. Could this be turning into something more? I just might possibly be the luckiest girl in the world. Well at least I felt that way.

We'd decided to have the date on a Friday night. It had been torturous waiting for the day to finally arrive.

"Izzy, it's almost six. He's gonna be here any minute now."

Izzy huffed. "Well, if someone hadn't spent an hour overthinking her outfit, gotten dressed, undressed, and then dressed again, maybe we'd have more time." She was silent for a moment before she added, "In case it wasn't clear, that someone is you."

When I'd informed Izzy about my date, she'd squealed loudly. We went through my closet multiple times in search of an outfit for me, but we couldn't find anything.

She decided shopping was our best bet, so we'd gone out and I bought two different dresses.

One was a deep crimson red dress that hugged all my curves and left a good portion of my back exposed. According to Izzy, it made me look extremely sexy.

The other was a mint green dress with short sleeves, a tight bodice, and then a flowy skirt that fell to just past my knees.

I'd spent an awful lot of time examining them. I wasn't sure of the look I wanted to go for. Izzy insisted I wear the red. In her words, "He'll be tearing it off you in minutes." Which was exactly what I wanted. The green would provide me with comfort, but the red would bring Alexander to his knees. He did mention it was his favorite color.

Ultimately, I decided on the red. Even though I had second thoughts about it, I knew that red was the right choice.

"I was trying to figure out which dress looked nicer. I just want to make sure I look good."

"You looked nice in all the dresses you tried on. I already told you that."
