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I smirked at him teasingly. "Do you want it back?"

Alexander groaned and dropped his chin to his chest. "You make it very hard to resist you. I like you a lot, Sophia. I want to be with you. As more than just two people who are having fun."

"I like you too. But don't you think we're rushing into things? We've only known each other for a few weeks."

"I feel more at ease with you than anybody else in my life, including my family."

"I feel more at ease with you too." I sighed. "But what about work? You're my boss." I ran my hand through my hair. "What would that be like in the office?"

"It'd be great. We could be together whenever we wanted." His voice dropped an octave and his gaze fell to my lips. "I could touch you anytime you wanted. Anywhere you wanted..."

My eyes drifted shut for a moment, imagining a scenario like that. One where he could run his hands over my body, and I could do the same. Whenever we wanted, at any time of the day.

"Isn't there a rule or something? About romance in the workplace?"

"Well considering I own the company, I make the rules." He smirked. "Besides, as long as we keep things professional, I don't see a problem."

"You literally just said we would have sex in your office."

"I was going to say professional and private. We'd be cordial in public, and, well, you know how we'll be in private." He gestured to my hickey-covered neck. "You were there last night."

"I was." My fingers traveled to my neck and I held my hand there. "It was unforgettable."

His grin was full of barely contained pride. "Good to know."

I rolled my eyes. "Like you didn't already. I'm extremely glad you were able to rise to the challenge." My gaze was set on a particular part of his very tempting body.

Alexander threw his head back and laughed. "I never pegged you as one for bad jokes." He sat up in his seat. "And I thought we were having a serious conversation about our relationship."

I ran my foot down the length of his leg. "We are." My leg moved higher. "This is a part of our relationship." He shook his head with another laugh.

"One of us has to not be driven by hormones right now."

My eyes were still fixed on his thighs. "From the looks of it, I don't think that one is you."

"You'd have a hard time controlling yourself too if you were looking at the most incredible woman in the world." He smiled at me. "It's a lot to handle."

My smile froze on my face. Right. I was a lot.

I withdrew my foot from his leg and sat up in my seat. The change in his expression was immediate.

He leaned closer to me. "Is something wrong? Was it something I said?"

"No. Kind of. It's not your fault, I just…" My mind took me back to another time. Months ago. The last time I'd had a conversation with a romantic partner.

A conversation that was a lot different from this one. One that had yelling, crying, and the declaration that I was "too much." That I was suffocating and hard to handle.

I squeezed my fist. I knew I shouldn't have been listening to anything Chris had said. I knew he only said those things to hurt me. He was drunk and upset that I caught him cheating red-handed.

Not to mention, Alexander was nothing like his brother. He was the complete and perfect opposite. Yet, I couldn't stop the hurt I felt.

I didn't think I'd ever loved Chris. Not by a long shot. It was six months of random dates and decent sex. We'd never had a conversation about anything serious, and we argued a lot.

Still, in the little moments when I was less busy, his words replayed in my head. What if he was right? What if I was too much? What if Alexander and I started dating, and he realized it as well?

"Sophia." His voice drew me out of my thoughts. "You can tell me anything."

I let out a deep breath and tucked my hair behind my ears. "I think I can be a bit much when I get into a relationship. Or at least, that's what I've been told. I don't want to ruin what we have. I'm scared that I'm too much and, at the same time," my gaze fell on the eggs on my plate, "not enough."
