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She worked with a perfect mixture of tender and forceful movements. Sturdy, intense, and yet, at the same time, relaxing. I released a deep breath, relishing every second of the massage.

My body felt like it was being broken and then put together all over again. The young woman kneaded my skin until I was almost dizzy with pleasure. It felt amazing. From the low moans that Izzy was making beside me, I knew she felt the same.

My mind drifted to Alexander, as it regularly did. I felt extremely grateful to him. The day was already starting out great. I wondered how I would be able to repay him.

The massage was over far too soon in my opinion, although to be fair I never wanted it to end. My entire body felt loose and relaxed in a way it'd never been.

Izzy and I were handed robes. We slipped them on and then sat for a few minutes to gather ourselves.

Next, we settled down for facials. The procedure was just as relaxing and satisfying as the massages. Our faces were cleansed, exfoliated, and steamed. Then, facial masks were applied as well as thin slices of cucumbers.

Moisturizers were rubbed into our faces slowly, and then massaged. My jaw felt slack and every tension between my eyebrows was gone. My body was at peace.

We sat down to get our hair done along with manicures and pedicures. Izzy and I laughed as we enjoyed the treatments. It was two in the afternoon when we were taken up the stairs to the boutique. That meant we'd spent roughly four hours in the spa.

Upstairs was just as impressive as downstairs, if not more. I stared, almost mystically, at the interior of the shop. The walls were painted peach, and the floors were gorgeous mahogany.

There were thousands of clothes, dresses, skirts, tops, and many other items. Several hung from motionless mannequins and others from the racks.

Shelves filled with various shoes lined the walls. There were also purses being displayed on silver racks.

The whole floor was a mix of fabric and footwear. The colors were so many that it was almost blinding.

The women who welcomed us were in classy uniforms and smiled as they led us to an inner room. There was a large grey sofa with throw pillows, a bottle of champagne, and two wine glasses.

"Take your time, ladies," one of them told us. "My colleagues and I are here if you need anything."

Izzy and I thanked them. We took a moment to stare at the different things, one question obvious in our minds: where to start?

I turned to her. "Do you want to just start with anything?" Her response was a shrug and a small nod. We spent hours afterwards trying on numerous outfits.

At one point, I strutted out of the dressing room in a black floor-length silk dress. The dress felt smooth against my skin and highlighted my curves. The silk was shiny and obviously of top quality.

I could only imagine Alexander's reaction if he saw me in it. It made me look, and feel, as though I was a bar singer in the fifties.

"You look incredible," Izzy complimented. She was currently trying on a tight blue chiffon dress. She grabbed a feather boa from one of the racks and wrapped it around my neck. "You're a reincarnation of a fifties musician."

"That's what I thought." I cleared my throat and then sang, horribly off-key, "Moon river..."

Izzy laughed and I broke off halfway to join her. The massages we had, accompanied with the few bottles of champagne, had made us both a bit tipsy and excessively bubbly. Every sentence that poured from our mouths was followed by carefree giggling and pure happiness.

I set the black dress aside with a slowly growing pile of clothes that I'd tried on and completely adored. I changed into a lavender, strapless, tea length dress.

The dress was extremely light, almost cloud-like, on me and moved easily as I walked. I grinned at myself in the mirror, running my hands down my sides. I was definitely getting it.

Izzy was dressed in a sky-blue pencil skirt and a green floral top. We grinned at each other.

"You look amazing," we said at the same time and then laughed.

We marveled at the various pairs of shoes. All different kinds and designs. I'd never thought of myself as someone who enjoyed shopping, mostly because I never had the time to actually shop, but looking at all the beautiful shoes made me want to buy them all.

"Those are incredible," I said to Izzy about a pair of black ankle boots that she'd tried on. I grabbed a white purse that had diamonds on the front.

"That is so cute," Izzy gushed. We paired different outfits together and laughed until our cheeks hurt.

Hours later, after we'd laughed and tried on all that we could, we sat down on the couch and leaned our heads against the back of it, breathing quietly.

The effects of the alcohol were beginning to wear off. I still felt a bit buzzed but not as much. I closed my eyes, exhaustion taking over.
