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"Good afternoon, Mr. Haynes. How can I-"

"I need a doctor," I cut in before she could finish her sentence. "Now." My gaze stayed on Sophia's unconscious form, and I felt my panic grow.

"Yes, sir. Of course, sir. I'll call one immediately. Did something happen?"

"Sophia fainted. Patricia, I need a doctor here right now."

"Good. Thank you."

I paced my office rapidly. What could be wrong? What was happening to her?

Sophia had seemed fine. Distant, yes, and a bit different, but that was all. She had to be fine. I shook my head. I didn't know what I would do if anything happened to her.

"Alex?" I heard a gentle voice call. My head snapped in her direction. Sophia was awake and trying to sit up. I was beside her in seconds.

I held onto her arm and eased her back down on the sofa. "Just lay down for a few minutes. Until the doctor gets here."

Her face scrunched. "Doctor? What doctor?"

"I told Patricia to call one after you fainted. He should be here soon."

"Alex, there's no need for a doctor."

"What do you mean? You fainted. That's plenty of reasons to get a doctor. We need him to examine you, so we can know the problem." I sighed. "I should have taken you to the hospital instead." I rose to my feet. "I'll tell Patricia to call an ambulance."

"We don't need an ambulance either. I already know what's wrong with me. I know what the problem is." She sat up and placed her feet down on the floor.

"Are you going to tell me? What is it?"

She sighed and ran her hands through her hair. "I'm pregnant."

My eyes widened. I froze. It seemed as though the world had stopped. My brain was filled with a million follow-up questions, but only one managed to tumble out.


"I found out last week. Recently, I was feeling tired, I had a crushing headache, and I felt sore all over. I was having these weird cravings. For the first time in over ten years, I wanted to eat meat again."

She huffed. "That was when I knew something was wrong with me. I've never craved meat as much as I did. I was halfway to the hospital when I realized I hadn't had a period in a while. I went to the pharmacy instead. I got a pregnancy test, took it, and it came back positive."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure. I took four different tests, and they all came back positive. I thought maybe there could still be some kind of mistake, maybe I wasn't growing a child inside of me, so I went to my gynecologist. Same result." She buried her head in her hands. "Alex, I'm pregnant."

I still thought she was wrong. How could she be pregnant? We'd been using protection and she had been on the pill. Then I remembered what happened three months ago.

My eyes widened. The night with the trench coat.

"We didn't use protection. We were in a rush to get to work the next morning, and I completely forgot to take my pill."

At my silence, she stood up. She walked back and forth in my office. She pushed her hair back and her arms came to rest on her hips.

A baby. We were going to have a baby. My head felt light at that moment. I was going to be a father.

"I can't believe I forgot about it. I remembered a while later, but I didn't think it was a big deal back then. It was just one time. I can't believe this is happening."

She looked at me. "I know it isn't ideal. It isn't what we planned. Hell, we didn't even plan it at all. We only started dating about four months ago and now this." She let out a bitter laugh, but I stayed silent and frozen.

"I just can't get any luck with this dating thing. Or life apparently. I don't even know why I'm surprised. Relationships never work out for me. Nothing works out for me. I finally found a great guy to be with, and I've only been working here for a few months. Now, all of a sudden, I'm pregnant. Pregnant!"
