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I found myself blinking awake on a sunny December morning. This time, I knew where I was and exactly where the warmth I was feeling was coming from: Cole Thomas, the Winterberry Glen CFO, who I was absolutely under no circumstances supposed to have a romantic relationship with, had his body pressed against mine, while my face was buried in his chest. His arm was over my hips, keeping me locked in against him, and I felt the slow rise and fall of his chest as his sleeping body had the nerve to be hard and chiseled against mine, like a perfect fit.

Okay. I thought, so, last night happened. We broke rule number four for the festival and also broke my record for most powerful orgasm ever. This can’t ever happen again, right? The festival is too important to me, and Cole’s new job is too important to him. Plus, it’s another man working in government. I can’t go there again. We’ll just wake up and leave here and...

“I can hear you thinking, Blaire.”

A deep and sleepy voice spoke from above my head. Guess those slow, deep breaths weren’t exactly sleeping breaths after all. Cole disentangled himself from me slightly, leaning back to brush my hair away from my face and look into my eyes.

“Want to share any of those thoughts out loud?”

I definitely didn’t want to share all of them out loud, so I went with the second to last one. I’d never had this sort of direct talk with a partner before, but Cole wasn’t my normal type of sexual encounter, so I summoned my big girl bravery and looked up into his eyes.

“I’m a rule follower, and while last night was a great time, I don’t want you to suffer the consequences of a personal relationship with me and cost yourself this job. So, I think we just need to let last night melt away with the snow that’s hopefully clear from the highway by now.”

I realized I had said all of that really fast, without taking a breath, and Cole was looking at me with amusement. Among that amusement, his eyes seemed to display a flicker of disappointment for just a brief moment. But then he was back to the serious Cole Thomas I was used to, just paired with a warm smile that was new to me.

“You’re probably right, and not only is there my job to think about, but how important it is for you to stand on your own and succeed with this festival. I wouldn’t want anyone to get the wrong idea about how the festival planning process may have been impacted by our relationship. I’ll head downstairs and see if I can get an update from Louise on the status of the highways.”

Cole hesitated for a moment and then leaned forward to press a soft kiss on the top of my head. Even though we both had acknowledged this thing between us couldn’t continue outside of this bed, I closed my eyes for a brief second and breathed him in, appreciating he had taken a moment to close out our encounter, before switching gears to our professional relationship.

Cole slid out of bed and bent to pick up his T-shirt and sweatpants, facing the window and away from the bed. I allowed myself to admire that ass in those briefs one last time—I’m professional, but still a human—before wrenching my eyes away and picking up my phone for the first time since last night. As I was scrolling through my notifications, Cole silently slipped from the room, leaving me truly alone for the first time in twenty-four hours.

Among the myriad of weather notifications and texts from my parents acknowledging my messages letting them know we had gotten off the road and were safe, were texts from Charlotte.

Charlotte (10:45 p.m.): Did you guys make it home okay? It’s wild out there! I’m not sure our deliveries are going to make it to the store in the morning.

Charlotte (11:07 p.m.): Oh my god, wait. I started a new romance novel before bed (my toxic trait, you know) and there was a mix-up at the destination wedding resort and the maid of honor and best man who hate each other are booked into the same room. My BFF senses are tingling. ARE YOU AND COLE STRANDED IN THE SNOW AND SHARING A ROOM. ARE HIS FOREARMS THERE TOO?

Charlotte (12:07 a.m.): Okay, going to bed now, slightly worried, mostly hopeful. Text me ASAP!

I shook my head at Charlotte’s antics and opened the text chain to respond back.

Blaire (7:58 a.m.): We’re okay! We did not make it home. We ended up at the most Christmassy B&B you’ve ever seen. *2 photos attached.*

Charlotte (7:59 a.m.): I feel like you’re burying the lede here, B. WAS THERE ONLY ONE BED?!

Blaire (8:01 a.m.): I may or may not be sitting in that one bed. Wearing Cole’s shirt. And only his shirt...

Charlotte (8:02 a.m.): *Fainting girl.gif*

Blaire (8:03 a.m.): But we’re never speaking of it again. It was a snowstorm-only happening. We both have goals we need to focus on.

Charlotte (8:05 a.m.): *cough * Bullshit! *cough*. That sounds very responsible of you both. Dig your way over to the bookstore later so you can point out the book that best mimics the scene you’re never speaking of again?

Blaire (8:07 a.m.): I hate you. Gotta go, hear him coming back to the room. See you soon.

Charlotte (8:08 a.m.): *Winking emoji* *Heart emoji* *Eggplant Emoji*

Shaking my head at my best friend and her antics, I pulled up a local news website just as Cole opened the door. Plausible deniability, ya know? I looked up at him, only to see he had a slightly pained looked on his face as he walked into the room. I opened my mouth to ask what was wrong, when I noticed he wasn’t alone. Louise was behind him carrying a tray of breakfast sandwiches and hot coffee.

“Thank goodness the power came back on a few hours ago, so we could brew coffee and cook up some sandwiches! Your mister here tried to say you all didn’t need anything special, but after the mix-up with the room last night, I just thought I could bring the breakfast part of the B&B to you! You sure look cozy there in that bed! Everyone sleep okay?!”

I clutched the blankets secure above my waist, suddenly incredibly aware of the fact that I had Cole’s shirt on and nothing else. I shared a look with Cole, who had an expression on his face that I recognized: murderous intent. Uncomfortable as Louise’s observation and over-enthusiastic breakfast delivery was, I found myself biting back a laugh. The whole situation was just slightly ridiculous and out of control. Guess I was in a good mood. Blame it on the post-orgasm endorphins.

“Thanks so much, Louise. That’s so thoughtful,” I managed to get out with a straight face. “If you want, set the tray on the foot of the bed here. We’re going to be hitting the road soon, so these to-go cups are just perfect.”

Louise, a smile beaming on her face, walked into the room and set the tray on the bed. I noticed her clock my underwear on the floor—okay, now the endorphins weren’t quite enough to keep my good humor anymore—and walked out of the door saying, “Thank you so much for staying with us. Come back anytime!”
