Page 47 of Capitally Matched

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“Oh, go ahead. These emails will keep for a few minutes longer.”

Leslie’s snort echoed from the handset and through the open door in stereo.

“I’ll patch him right through, then.”

I tapped my pen on my desk, waiting for the call to connect.

“Hey there, Hayden. How was the rest of your weekend?”

“It was spectacular, big bro. How are you on this fine Monday?”

Preston laughed at me.

“Someone got laid this weekend,”

“Now, now, big brother, do you talk to the senator with that mouth? You know a gentleman doesn’t kiss and tell… multiple times.”

“Gross. Your cheery attitude is souring my coffee.”

“Well, you know you could try going out and meeting someone on your own, Prez.”

Preston laughed. “Yeah, maybe once we win reelection, I’ll have time to think about getting a life. Speaking of which, I have to get to a strategy session, but I wanted to see if you wanted to do lunch this week? I recall owing you from the gala on Friday.”

“Yeah, man, that would be great. How’s Wednesday for you?”

There was a pause while Preston consulted his overstuffed calendar.

“Wednesday would be great. I’ll make a reservation somewhere and let you know?”

“Sounds good.” I thought for a moment. “Actually, want to make it a dinner instead of lunch and have that reservation be for three? If Charlotte can’t make it, I’ll let you know, but I’d love for you to have a real chance to get to know her.”

“Wow! You’re serious about this girl, aren’t you?”

I smiled, thinking about the way Charlotte’s eyes opened and a smile crossed her face when she saw me next to her this morning. Like waking up to see me first thing was just as great for her as it was for me.

“I’m seriously happy right now, and that’s enough for me. So, reservation for the three on Wednesday?”

“You got it. I’ll text you later with the details. Try not to make anyone else throw up today.”

“I make no promises. Have a good Monday, big bro.”

I hung up the handset and picked up my cell phone. Was it too obvious to text her about dinner with Preston now, considering I had just dropped her off at work less than an hour ago?

Deciding I wasn’t about to start playing games now, I typed out a message, asking her if she’d be free for dinner with my brother. Everyone could make fun of me all day, every day. As long as I had her, I was playing for keeps.

The first half of the week passed in a blur of long days of work, followed by nights that felt so quick by comparison. Now that we had given into the chemistry between us, simple acts like watching TV on the couch easily turned into contests of who could ignore heavy petting over—and under—clothes the longest until I had Charlotte bent over the arm of the couch or she rode me on the floor. I had the lack of sleep and rug burns to prove it, but I never felt happier.

As we exited the Metro to meet Preston for a late dinner at a dim sum place in Chinatown, Charlotte fell uncharacteristically quiet beside me.

“Everything okay, Char?”

“Hmm? Oh yeah, everything’s fine,” she answered, fidgeting with the strap of her purse crossed over her shoulder.

More silence continued as we crossed the street.

“Are you sure?”

“You’re going to think I’m silly.”
