Page 140 of A Whisper in the Dark

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He wrapped an arm around Hunter’s waist and hauled him back, again not caring how much pain that caused Hunter when his injuries were shaken. “Have you kept it a secret from him, Thorn?” He grabbed a fistful of his hair and yanked. “Tell me. Does Odin know about this?”

“Let,” he had to pause before he could get another word out, “go.”

Having never encountered a Whisper before, it seemed as though Isa didn’t really know how to handle one. He clearly believed he needed to chomp down on Hunter for a mating bond, which wasn’t the case, and because of that belief, thought he was unmated.

Which also meant he hadn’t been able to tell that the taste of Hunter’s blood he’d just gotten had only boosted his power a little bit. It wouldn’t have done much for him at all, considering he wasn’t Hunter’s Shout.

If Hunter told him he’d mated Odin, Isa wouldn’t have reason to keep him. He’d kill him after all.

But…Wouldn’t that be better? Better than anything else he was cooking up now in that twisted brain of his?

“Change of plans,” Isa said, sounding slightly manic in a way that only made Hunter more afraid. “How could I kill something so rare? Yes, this is better. I’ll take you from him, make him watch as you become my bitch, and then the only choice he’ll have left is to accept me or lose you forever.”

“You’re insane,” Hunter told him, but it didn’t seem like Isa was listening anymore.

“He’ll come crawling on his hands and knees once he hears of this, but by then it’ll be too late.” Isa tugged Hunter’s head to the side, exposing his neck. There was a knife in his other hand a moment later and he slashed carelessly at the side of his own throat, blood welling instantly. Then he was forcing Hunter’s mouth onto him, pinning him in place as he struggled to get away.

“Drink,” he ordered, lowering his mouth to the tender spot between Hunter’s neck and his left shoulder, one of the few places he wasn’t already bruised. “And become my Whisper.”

The taste of copper coated his tongue but Hunter couldn’t get away from it. How disgusting it was stopped being a concern the second Isa’s teeth latched onto his flesh and viciously bit down, tearing through skin mercilessly.

Hunter’s agony-filled howl was muffled by Isa’s neck, the man’s blood continuing to drip into his mouth, making him want to gag. He could feel his stomach coiling, bile rising at the back of his throat as his body rejected the Shout blood that wasn’t from his mate.

Isa probably would have drunk him dry, too lost to the blissed-out state of tasting a Whisper for the first time, if Hunter hadn’t started to vomit. He shot back, untangling from Hunter with a curse, only touching him again once Hunter had finished, ignoring the vomit that now splattered on the floor between them.

“That isn’t right,” he said. “Why didn’t it work?”

At least the idiot knew enough about mating to understand that.

When Hunter had bonded himself to Odin, the electricity between them had a strong enough voltage to power the entire city, maybe even the country. Right now, after being forced to drink Isa’s blood? He just felt sick.

“You can’t,” he coughed and hacked up phlegm, spitting it out as close to Isa’s feet as he could get, “force a mating.” He would have tacked on an insult for good measure at the end there, but that’d already taken a lot out of him. Whenever he swallowed it felt like he was choking on sandpaper.

“Mating,” Isa rolled the word on his tongue, and before he’d even completed that thought, Hunter realized his second mistake. “That’s right. That must be it.”

“No.” He couldn’t mean…

Isa walked behind him. “We’ll try again. Get it right this time.”

“Stop.” Hunter cried out when his hips were pulled back, his ass angled up. Tears started leaking from his eyes, stinging the cuts on his face even as he scrambled to come up with something to say to get himself out of this.

Isa held him in place with one hand, the other moving to spread Hunter’s cheeks, finger finding his hole and invading him without any further warning.

At the contact Hunter’s spine went rigid. “Stop!”

“He won’t want you at all after this, but oh well. Even if it means giving up on making him jealous I stole his toy, I’ll still be gaining a Whisper for my efforts.”

“He’ll kill you,” Hunter said. “I’ll kill you.”

“Once mated, you won’t be able to. And Odin? He’ll think of you as spoiled goods. You’ll be nothing to him.” He shoved that single finger deep into Hunter’s body and made a sound of annoyance. “We can’t do this dry. It’ll hurt.”

For him he meant. Even now, believing that Hunter was an unmated Whisper, Isa still only cared about himself.

Hunter heard the sound of a zipper, and a second later Isa swiped his hand over the still-bleeding knife wound at Hunter’s thigh, coating his palm in crimson. Though he couldn’t see what happened next since Isa was behind him, it didn’t take a genius to put two and two together.

Isa was lubing himself up with Hunter’s blood.

He’d thought death was scary. It was nothing in the face of this.
