Page 141 of A Whisper in the Dark

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“I’m mated!” he said, as loud as he could make his voice.

Isa paused but recovered quickly. “Liar.”

“I’m not—” Hunter felt something hot and hard prod against his hole, bumping, exploratory against that tight ring of muscle. He automatically clenched up, even knowing that would only make it worse for himself, and fervently shook his head, in a full-blown panic now. “Don’t!”

Notched into place, Isa steadied himself with a hand on Hunter’s hips. “Stop struggling and I’ll make this quick.”

Hunter braced himself for the worst.

But it never came.

A shadow burst through the doorway in front of him, momentarily catching his attention a split second before Isa seemed to notice. Though Hunter couldn’t make out who it was, a warmth exploded within him, sudden and bright, easing all the aches and pains and instantly soothing the internal voice that had up until now been wailing.

A fireball blasted forward, but he didn’t so much as flinch as it sailed past him and hit its mark, causing the man at his back to hiss and swear.

Suddenly, Hunter was let go, his body drooping, the relief snuffing out the fight or flight responses that had been the only thing keeping him conscious amidst all the suffering he’d already endured.

He managed to stay awake long enough to watch Odin step into the room, his face bathed in the glow of yet another ball of flames.

His gorgeous and severely frightening face.

Hunter smiled. “Snow.”

Trusting it was finally over, he gave in to the pull of darkness.

Chapter 6:

Odin couldn’t look at Hunter, if he did he’d completely lose it and right now he was already so close to being a mindless beast he couldn’t afford that. Hunter couldn’t afford it.

Isa had avoided the first shot, but barely, and was currently busy trying to tuck his dick back into his pants.

His erect dick.

Odin saw red. Letting out a bellow of rage, he let loose another fireball, scorching the cement and leaving a large black mark in its wake when Isa avoided that one as well. He continued to lob them as he advanced, needing to get to Hunter, but more than that, needing to get the other man away from him.

The other Shout away.

Even though he was here, in the same room as Hunter, that tugging in his chest continued to pull at him, but he was too focused on keeping Isa back to pay it heed and give it what it wanted. He’d get to Hunter as soon as the threat was dealt with.

Regaining his baring, Isa snapped out of it and started fighting back, first attempting to drop the temperature in the room. When that didn’t work, he started to freeze the floor, a layer of ice skating over and under the plastic tarp.

Only to melt as soon as it got within a five-foot radius of Odin.

He frowned, and that momentary hesitation cost him Odin’s next throw, catching him off guard and searing straight through his side. He screamed as the material of his shirt melted into his skin, the burn happening faster than his power could prevent it. His feet got caught on a fold in the tarp and he tripped, slamming into one of the walls with a heavy thud.

“How are you so strong?” he growled, before it hit him and his gaze returned to where Hunter was still hanging. “You didn’t.”

“Don’t you dare look at him!” Odin shot flames forward, filling the entire room in his fury, only avoiding the spot where Hunter was located. He cut off the only two exits with walls of fire, preventing any of Isa’s men from entering and providing backup.

They’d all be dead and captured soon anyway, Odin’s people taking over the building at that very moment.

Because he’d arrived so suddenly, he’d caught Frost off guard. That advantage and the fact it had allowed him to back the other man into a corner, had made what may have been a dangerous fight into something far more simple than either of them could have ever anticipated.

Which was good, since Odin had come here for blood.

Isa threw up his hands and formed a thick shield of ice, but the layers kept melting, water pooling on the ground only to evaporate from the heat within seconds. He poured more and more of his power into it, but Odin refused to let up.

He’d been expecting the worst when he’d discovered this building, but he still hadn’t expected actually seeing it.
