Page 158 of A Whisper in the Dark

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“Why not?”

“Because I want a partner.” Even as a kid, life had been too much of a struggle for him to ever have considered a future with someone else. He’d needed to worry about the present, how he was going to keep his sister fed, and whether or not he would make it day by day working for the Brumal. Marriage had rarely if ever crossed his mind, and typically in regards to other people and not himself.

He hadn’t even been aware he could mate someone until he’d discovered he was a Whisper, and by then he’d been on the run and the idea of being forced into something like that had been so horrifying he’d had to set it aside and pretend it didn’t exist as a possibility.

But now here he was, mated, and going to get married. And to none other than Odin Snow, the most dangerous man on the planet.

In that sense, Hunter partially understood where he was coming from. Now that word was out, everyone and their grandmother would know who and what his weakness was. Enemies of the Snow family could come for Hunter at any time in an attempt to use him against Snow. He’d been at risk before, but that risk had multiplied tenfold. Still…

“We’re putting a stop to Isa,” he reminded. “And once he’s taken care of, there won’t be anyone left who stands a chance against you.”

“In a fair fight,” Odin said, only to have Hunter sigh in exasperation.

“I’m not a damsel in distress.”

“Considering I’ve saved you twice now—”

“Don’t.” He held up a hand stopping him. “Don’t treat me like I’m fragile or weak.”

“I’m treating you like you’re my Whisper, Huntsman.”

“You aren’t just a Shout any more than I’m just a Whisper. If this is going to continue between us and work we both need to accept that. I want a partner,” he repeated, “not a jailer. I don’t want to end up resenting you, Snow.”

Odin didn’t seem to be happy about that prospect either, quieting to think things over. It would be difficult for him to concede, even an inch, but the fact of the matter was, Hunter wouldn’t live the rest of his life like a caged bird. Not even for him.

“I want this to work,” Hunter said after a long stretch of silence, opting to be even more vulnerable and honest than he’d already been for the sake of pushing them in the right direction. The mating was already done, and there was no going back. They only had forward and he’d prefer they do it together. “Same page, remember?”

Odin reached for his left hand and interlocked their fingers, staring down at where they touched. “You can’t leave without informing me first, and you absolutely can’t go anywhere on your own. That’s non-negotiable.”

“Anywhere outside the club,” Hunter agreed, “but inside, I’ll stick with Loni.”

His eyes narrowed.

“It wasn’t her fault.” He should have brought this up sooner and felt a little bad that he hadn’t. “You didn’t like…do anything to her, right?”

“Such as?” It was obvious he understood the question and was being difficult on purpose.


“She’s fine.” He pressed his lips into a thin line, clearly not pleased. “But the truth remains, she failed at doing her job.”

“None of us could have predicted Meg was alive,” Hunter said. “Or that she’d come for me.”

“Fine. Protection detail with you at all times if and when you leave the club—which until Isa is found, will be never unless you’re accompanied by me—but I’ll only have Loni on your private detail within the club walls. Deal?”

“Deal.” He had no intention of leaving without the Dominus anyway. Being tortured like that once was already one time too many in his book. He wanted autonomy, sure, but he wasn’t an idiot. “I’ll keep myself safe. I promise.”

“If you hear from your sister—”

“I’ll tell you immediately,” he reassured.

“You won’t follow her or go anywhere to meet her privately.”

Hunter made a face. “No duh.”

Odin didn’t look like he bought that.

“I won’t,” he insisted. “I was caught off guard before, but now I’m aware of who she is. It’s been so long, I forgot the obvious.”
