Page 20 of Escaping Rejection

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Somehow, Kira and I had slid off the rails of acting and stumbled into an actual fight. About shit that hadn’t even happened. For some reason, I couldn’t stop. What the fuck was wrong with me?

“I didn’t hear Chelsey complaining last night. She asked for secondsandthirds.”

Kira narrowed her eyes, her nostrils flaring. “How wonderful for you.”

She spun on a heel and stomped out of the room. I’d fucked up. I’d let my jealousy get the better of me and said things I shouldn’t have. Why in the name of the gods had I pushed it that far? It was supposed to be an act, not a fight. Fuck.

Pushing away from the table, I stood and went to follow her, but J.D. leaped up to block my way.

“Let her go, bro,” he said, shoving his palm into my chest and making me rock back on my heels. I’d never seen him look so pissed. For the first time since the show had started, J.D. looked like he wanted to fight someone.

He was looking out for Kira, wanting to give her a little peace after the fight. The problem was, my inner wolf saw it as a challenge. Not only that, a challenge from the man who had been playing in a movie in my head moments before—a movie of him fucking Kira. I clenched my fist and gritted my teeth, shaking with anger as I did all I could to stop myself from knocking him out.

After a few deep breaths, I stepped back and raised my hands in surrender. “Sorry. I’m outta here.”

As I left, Tate’s laughter followed me. Probably a joke about me, but I kept walking, ignoring my surging anger. One foot in front of the other. Keep moving.

I walked through the mansion, letting my temper dissipate. When I finally stopped walking, I was mildly surprised to find that I’d ended up right at Kira’s door.

“Crap.” I groaned.

Better to get the apology over with sooner rather than later. At least this way, she couldn’t stew on it any longer than necessary. I’d throw myself on my sword, fall to my knees, and beg—whatever it took. I was still beating myself up over it. Maybe she’d be able to see that in my eyes.

Sighing, I knocked three times.

“What?” Her voice, petulant and pissed, came through the door.

“It’s me. Can I come in?”

For a few seconds, I was worried she’d simply ignore me, but then the locks turned and the door opened. Kira’s hand shot out and grabbed my shirt, wrenching me into the room. The move was so sudden, I nearly fell flat on my face.

“You jackass! You didn’t have to get so deep in the act.” Kira crossed her arms over her breasts. “Do you have any idea how much you pissed off my wolf? It took all my control not to go and claw Chelsey’s eyes out.”

“Seriously? I’m out there picturing you and J.D. fucking in the shower. How do you think I felt? Did you really need to lay it on that thick? You did everything but draw a damn diagram.”

“I’m sorry, I thought we were trying to make it believable. You were the one who brought it up. I just followed your lead.”

“It’s how you touched him, Kira.” I had to clench my fists to contain my temper. “If I had to watch your hands on J.D. for another second, I was gonna lose it.”

Kira took a step forward, uncrossing her arms. “Am I hearing that right? Is Wyatt Rivers telling me who I can and can’t touch? Do I belong to you in some way? I didn’t realize you saw me as a piece of property.”

Gods, she could be irritating. “I never said that or even implied it. All I said was that I didn’t like seeing it.”

Kira pressed close to me, the heat of her body radiating onto mine, her nose only inches from my face. “Why?”

My inner wolf lost it. He surged forward, nearly forcing a shift—not from rage and anger, but from desire, lust, and need. I couldn’t stop myself if I wanted to, and I sure as shit didn’t want to.

“Because you’re mine.” I curled my hand around the back of her neck, pulling her close so I could crush my lips to hers.

Kira yelped in surprise, but her mouth opened, her tongue meeting mine in a frenzied dance. Her hands roved up my back until her fingers ran through my hair, and she pressed my face even closer to hers.

My hands moved of their own accord and unbuttoned her pants. The animal inside me took over, and all I could of was having her, making her mine. The urge to take her was stronger than it had ever been. Almost painfully unbearable.

I backed her farther into the suite toward the bed, our lips never parting. Kira’s breathing became heavier and more excited as the backs of her knees hit the side of the bed. Finally, I pulled my lips from hers and gasped for air as I yanked her pants and panties down around her knees. I spun her around and bent her face-first over the bed, then dropped to my knees and shoved my tongue into her pussy, digging my fingers into the glorious flesh of her ass.

“Fuuuck,” Kira moaned into the blanker, her voice muffled.

I slid my tongue across her clit, circling it, then pressing deep into her, fucking her with my mouth. Kira reached back and grabbed my head, urging me on. She pressed her hips back against my face, grinding against my mouth. Her pussy almost suffocated me, but I couldn’t imagine a better way to die.
