Page 32 of His Rejected Mate

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“I’ll go with you,” Mika said to J.D. “Zoe, do you want me to bring you something back?”

“Yes, please. Either oatmeal. Or oatmeal, or if there’s no other option, I’ll take the oatmeal.”

Mika chuckled. “Good one. I’ll be back in a bit.”

Leif walked to the lone bunk at the side of the cell and lay down, mumbling in that mad way of his.

“So,” I said to Zoe, “how have things been going?”

Zoe rolled her eyes. “Oof. This place has been busy since Mika showed up. After him, you guys got here, and then?” She blew out her cheeks and used her fingers to simulate a bomb exploding. “Full crazy ever since.”

“Why was it busy when Mika got here?”

“Oh, that,” she said, then lit into one of her rapid-fire stories. “See, I never really talked a lot about the names of everyone on the show. So, when I told Crew we were going to rescue this Mika guy, I never told him Mika’s last name because, like, who cares, right? So, Eli and Crew and I went out to where Kira said Mika would be, and when the guy came running out of the jungle to us, I was all like, ‘Hey, we’re here, let’s get out of this place.’ He was at first like, ‘Oh, thank the gods, you’re such a beautiful and caring soul to rescue me from this awful fate.’ Except then,Crew and Mika caught a look at each other and then it was like, 'Record scratch, holy shit, I know you!’”

“Oh,” I muttered, unable to get a word in edgewise.

“Exactly,” Zoe said, clapping her hands together. “So, these two beefy beefcakes were in the same pack together and their dads are apparently both douches, but they were like rich kids. Now, they’re living together in this big ball of dirt like a couple of earthworms or something. Ugh, what are the odds?”

I chuckled and decided to give a little nudge. “Yeah, and who knew a broody alpha from the First Pack would have a thing for chatty fae girls?”

Zoe rolled her eyes and punched me in the chest with surprising force. “Very funny, Wyatt. Go back to teasing Kira, because that stuff doesn’t work on me. Besides, I can’t play make-believe while trying to un-feral Leif.”

“I’m very serious, Zoe.” I wiped the grin off my face. “He’s into you. Like, a lot. But he’s a little skittish about admitting it.”

Zoe stared at me stone-faced, either processing what I’d said or trying to figure out if I really was pulling her leg. “You’re serious,” she finally said in a monotone. Her face was devoid of any expression.

Uh-oh. Had Kira and I misread this whole thing? Did Zoe even like Mika that way? This could go very poorly, and I’d be the one to blame.

“Well, uh, yeah. He’s got it bad for you, but if you don’t—”

Zoe squealed, her face breaking into a massive smile. “Oh my gosh!” Zoe flitted about the room in quick zig-zags.

“Does, uh…” I frowned. “Does this mean you’re happy?” I asked dumbly.

“Happy? Oh, gods, from the moment I laid eyes on him, I thought Mika was the sexiest, hottest alpha on the whole show.”

“Well,” I teased, “not to sound too full of myself, but I was on the show, too, Zoe.”

She looked over her shoulder at me, her eyes tracking down my body. “I said what I said. No offense.”

“Ouch. Okay.”

She stopped abruptly, nibbling at her lip. I didn’t know her as well as Kira did, but it was easy to see she was planning something in that fae head of hers. “Oh, I’m going to have to turn on the charm. Turn the flirt up to eleven. Make some new outfits.” She looked at me again. “Do you think Crew would be mad if I walked around in a string bikini? Thong?”

“I don’t…uh, I’m not sure I’m—”

“Morning,” Kira said from behind us.

Oh, thank the gods. I could have kissed her.

“Can I talk to you real quick?” Kira asked me. “In private?”

“Sure.” I went to follow her.

On the way out, I caught a bit of what Zoe said to Mika, who’d returned with her oatmeal. “Thanks for this. I’m starving. Mika, have you been working out? Look at these arms. Oh my gosh, so big!”

I didn’t bother turning around. I could only imagine Mika’s face.

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