Page 65 of His Rejected Mate

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A few of my pack mates had some significant injuries from silver weapons. The fighting must have been really intense. Part of me had hoped things weren’t as bad as everyone made it out to be, but the haunted looks in their eyes told me otherwise. These were people on the front line of a war. It was bound to change them.

The fact that the official packs were willing to kill other wolf shifters to claim their territory was insane. All they cared about was clout, power, money, and prestige. Kira was right. We needed to tear down the pack hierarchy and build a new and better world in its place.

“Level with me,” I said to none of them in particular. “How bad is it out there?”

A younger woman named Camilla spoke first. “I went out scouting yesterday. Curiosity got the best of me, and I ventured off the Eleventh Pack’s lands.” She shook her head sadly. “It’s mayhem out there. The lower packs are attacking the upper packs left and right. Have you heard about Garth Sheen?”

“I did. He’s dead,” I said.

“Yeah.” She nodded. “The lower packs think the messed-up mating connections are due to the upper packs corrupting Heline’s temples. They think they’ve got the acolytes in their back pockets or something. Everyone is out for blood. I also headed out to some other areas. Lake City, the human capital? They’ve barricaded the streets so no one can go in. The vampire enclave on the other side of the valley, Dark Hollow? Same thing. All the other beings are getting ready for this thing to spill over into their territories. I’ve never seen anything like it. Even the stories of past wars are nothing like this, Wyatt. If this doesn’t end soon, it’s not gonna be just a wolf war. It’ll be a world war.”

“What’s the council doing to help?” I asked.

In response, I received groans and muttered curses. Darius spat on the ground. “Not a damned thing, that’s what,” he said.

“What do you mean,nothing?” I asked, shocked.

“Exactly what I said. The operatives have all taken sides, most of them going along with their own packs. All the regional offices have been cleared out. There is basically no council or ops right now. The councilmembers themselves are in Fangmore, hiding in their fucking tower and waiting for this to blow over.”

I couldn’t have been more surprised if Darius had unzipped his face to reveal he was a kappa in disguise. The council had run? The operatives had all scattered? I’d spent my career doing the bidding of those people. Our entire purpose was to protect. And now that people actuallyneededthe council more than ever, they were hiding like cowards?

Kira had been screwed over by them, yes, but deep down, I’d hoped it was due to Jayson’s family pulling strings with one or two corrupt people. But maybe things were worse than I wanted to believe. Tearing down the whole system was beginning to make more and more sense with each passing minute.

My fellow operatives were good people and did good, important work. It was their leaders who were too weak to maintain control. Instead of letting the operatives join in on the conflict, they should have used them to help keep things calm. I gritted my teeth, my hands curling and uncurling.

Shaking off my anger, I turned my attention back to my pack. “Do you guys need anything? Supplies or weapons or anything?”

Darius shook his head. “Nah. Mr. Durst has been taking care of us.” He glanced over his shoulder, then leaned in so only our group could make out his words. “His people are a little freaked out. Trigger-happy, you know? Not used to the dangers of the outside world like we are.”

“Right,” I said. “Not surprising. Do your best with them. Where’s everyone else?”

Camilla pointed to the north, then to the south. “We have groups like this scattered along this boundary. The eastern border is ringed with mountains and too treacherous for anyone to breach. The only other way in is the main road into and out of the Eastern Wilds, and we have a larger force there.”

“Sounds like you don’t even need me.” I shrugged. “Guess I’ll head back to Bloodstone. Get a massage from a succubus or something.”

“Just make sure it doesn’t give you a happy ending,” Darius chuckled. “I think Kira might get mad about that.”

He winked at me, and the group laughed at my expense. It was good to be home. I’d missed the banter, camaraderie, and the familial feeling of my unofficial pack. People who didn’t think unofficial packs were worthy of consideration were out of their minds. In my experience, when peoplechoseto form a pack together, the pack was far stronger and better adjusted than even the best of the official packs.

“I’m going to head back to the Dursts’ place,” I said as I turned to go. “If you need anything, let me know ASAP.”

They waved me on and resumed their duties.

Shifting, I plunged into the forest again, running back the way I’d come. This forest was different from the jungles of Bloodstone. It was cooler, less humid, and not as densely packed with foliage. This was home. I supposed itwashome. I’d lived in the Eleventh Pack’s lands almost as long as I’d lived in the Second Pack’s territory. It was weird to think about, but true.

Plus, Kira was here. She was my home, wherever she was. Knowing I’d see her soon, I picked up my pace, letting the cool forest air blow through my fur as I sprinted back to her.

When I got back to the Durst house, things were a bit less hectic. The helicopter still sat in the field across from their home, but Crew and all his people had gone. Probably sent off to whatever living quarters Kira’s dad had figured out for them. I’d only been gone for a few hours, and already things were getting back to normal. As normal as it could be under the circumstances.

When I stepped in the front door, the delicious aroma of cooking food slammed into my nostrils. Saliva poured into my mouth. When had I last eaten? A few potatoes prior to attacking Simon’s lab? That had been at least eighteen hours ago. I was starving.

In the kitchen, I found a familiar scene. Kolton and his dad sat on one side of the table, Kira and her mother on the other. I’d seen it a million times over the years, but for some reason, this felt morereal. In the past, I’d found them like this when I stopped by to see Kolton. Back then, I’d have found some way to irritate or needle Kira. Push her buttons to get a rise out of her.Anythingto get her to give me attention.Now, as I walked through the threshold, she turned and smiled at me. No need to bug her—shewantedme here.

Although, her parents didn’t seem to share the sentiment.

“Wyatt.” Kira beamed up at me and patted the seat beside her. “Sit. Kolton, get him a plate.”

Kolton put his fork down. “Yes, ma’am. Is there anything else Mistress Kira would like? A foot massage, perhaps?”
