Page 64 of His Rejected Mate

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“That fucker has ten minutes to get off my land,” Dad growled. He turned to Crew. “I said your people could stay, but not that Fell piece of shit. You hear me? If he’s not gone in ten minutes, he’s a dead man.”

Crew only blinked at my father. I couldn’t blame him. I’dneverseen my father so angry in my whole life.

“Hang on,” Gavin said. “I helped keep Kira safe. I spent my whole time on the show, trying to protect her. There’s also a pretty good chance she and I are fated mates.”

“Excuse me?” Dad spat, his face a mask of derision. “What are you on about?”

“Look,” Gavin said, holding his hands out pleadingly. The rest of the Haveners had moved away, terrified of being in the line of fire of my Dad’s rage. “I want to join your pack. Ask Kira.We talked about it on the show. I want my old pack destroyed, and those who survive to join yours.”

Dad sliced a hand through the air, silencing him. “I don’t give a damn what kind of plan you had. We are at war, and your brother is threatening to tear our throats out. I cannot and will not allow someone who could be an enemy in disguise to stay on my land.”

Gavin gritted his teeth, preparing himself to argue further. If I didn’t step in, this might turn into a real fight. Someone needed to calm the tension.

“Dad, hang on,” I said, stepping forward to put a hand on his shoulder.

My father paused to look at me, some of the anger draining from his face. “What the hell is he talking about? Fated mates?”

I shook the question off. “He’s misinformed,” I whispered. “Don’t worry about that now. What I do know is that he’s being honest about hating his pack. He despised his father and hates Jayson. He told me he wanted to overthrow his pack.”

“But that’s even worse,” Dad argued. “He’s a disloyal wolf, dammit. How can anyone trust a wolf who’d turn on his own pack?”

“The same pack who wants us dead?” I asked. Did he not see the irony?

Dad sighed heavily, looking like he was having some sort of internal argument with himself. Finally, he turned and pointed at Gavin again. “One night. You got it? You stay one night, and it will be under observation. You do one fucking thing that arouses our suspicions, and my pack will rip you apart.”

Dad stomped off to join Mom with helping the survivors. Gavin caught my eye and nodded his thanks to me. He looked relieved, like he’d been spared death.

I hoped I wouldn’t regret helping him.

Chapter 16


Shifting back to my human form, I strode out of the forest to the one of the small forward patrol encampments that ringed the Eleventh Pack’s lands. Tents and campfires dotted the area. In the distance, I could see some of the members of my unofficial pack patrolling in wolf and human form. Some even carried firearms. Eleventh Pack members intermingled with them.

“I’ll be dipped in shit. You’re back!” a voice called out to me.

Putting my hand up to shield my eyes from the sun, I saw a big, burly shifter walking toward me with a huge smile on his face.

“Darius? Are you telling me August didn’t kick your ass out while I was gone? I gave him detailed instructions,” I said with a laugh.

‘Oh, fuck off,” the big man said and wrapped me in a hug.

Darius was one of the few people I knew who was bigger than me. His shiny bald head and dark brown skin were a sight for sore eyes.

“Didn’t think we’d ever see you again, boss,” he said.

“Don’t start with the ‘boss’ stuff. How’s it looking out here?” I asked.

Word spread, and soon more of my pack members came to greet me.

Darius waved at the camp. “It’s good. Lots of Ninth Pack fuckers keep trying to break through here and there. Every time they try, we give them a bloody nose. For all their talk, they’re basically little pussies.”

I took the time to shake hands and hug all my pack mates. Everyone was jovial and excited, but I could sense their lingering unease and worry. The release of all that tension was palpable now that they saw I was alive and well.

“Thank you all for holding the fort down while I was gone,” I said. “It really means a lot. I can tell you the Eleventh Pack folks are appreciative. Not sure if they’ve told you that.”

“Oh, they have,” Darius said. “First time since I became a lone wolf at fourteen that I’ve been this beloved.”

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