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Gabe let out a slow breath. "I mean, I wasn’t there to see it, but Justine messed him up over it. They had lunch together, and I guess he wanted her to be his mate.”

I scoffed. Justine was known for her short temper, and I could easily imagine her starting a fight if Neil became a little too friendly. That wasn’t as concerning as the idea of the beta barging in and taking me to the alpha house, so itseemed like there was only one solution.

“Neil got you a hotel room at the Feldman. I think you should stay there tonight,” I said. "We'll talk tomorrow when I get off of work."

It looked like Gabe was going to argue about leaving, but then he took a deep breath and nodded. As I watched him leave, a strange feeling bubbled up in my chest. I couldn't help but feel some kind of connection to Neil. Was it just the animalistic nature of our wolves coming out, an attraction just because his creature was dominant and mine was more submissive? Or was it something deeper?

Was I falling for him?

I shook my head and tried to push the thought away. It couldn't be possible. Before yesterday, we had only spoken a handful of times, tops. But still, the feeling lingered and seemed to grow with each passing moment.

It was unsettling and confusing but also strangely exciting at the same time. I had never felt this way about anyone before, and part of me wanted to explore these feelings further. Maybe it was because no one had ever felt this way about me. Least of all, Gabe, as he left without another word. If their places were switched and Neil was my true mate, Gabe would have given me up without so much as a second thought. Maybe what Neil was showing me was real love. Real passion.

Surely there must be something more between us than simple, instinctual attraction?

But how could I know unless I took a chance?


The drive to the hotel had felt surreal, almost like Gabewas watching it happen from the outside. He hadn't expected Ella to jump into his arms and beg for him to bite her— okay, maybe he was hoping for something like that, but it was alright if she wanted to take things slow. Gabe could be understanding, reassuring... he could be whatever she needed him to be.

Instead, some random asshole was already moving in on her.Neil. His name was irritating enough, which was totally unfair, but at this point, Gabe didn't even care anymore. Neil was after his true mate. Niceties would have to wait until he and Ella could sort things out.

We should go back and claim our female, his wolf grumbled. She would want us to do so. She was willing before the imposter male arrived.

Their shared memory flashed before his eyes. Ella had been more than ready when they were kissing in her house. She had been so compliant and wet; the scent of her arousal had been pure heaven. Just the thought of it made Gabe’s dick rock hard again.

Great. Now he’d have to check into the Feldman sporting a raging boner.

Gabe stepped out of the car, bag in hand. When he packed it, he thought he would be staying with Ella. Hopefully, this would just be for one night, and then they could pick up where they’d left off. He started walking up the stairs but froze halfway up. Leaning against one of the entrance pillars, arms folded, was Neil.

“It’s good you got here when you did, friend. I would have hated to ask our alpha to escort you off pack land.”

Gabe bit back a retort. He couldn’t be sure if the threat was legitimate, but he wasn’t going to risk being separatedfrom Ella just to prove a point. Judging from Neil’s smirk, the beta had anticipated that already.

Gabe was going to walk by without taking the bait, but as he moved to pass, Neil unfolded his arms and blocked his path to the registration desk.

“I got you a room for the evening, but let’s have dinner in the restaurant first. My treat.”

“Thanks, but I think I’m good,” Gabe said, meeting Neil’s eyes and refusing to be the first to look away. As an omega, it wasn’t easy holding the oppressive stare of a beta, and Neil seemed a little impressed when he didn’t back down.

“It wasn’t a suggestion, Gabriel,” Neil said, his voice low so no one else could hear. “Let’s go to dinner, and then I’ll let you get some rest.”

Gabe’s irritation rose but showing his emotions wouldn’t do any good. When the beta of a pack wanted to have a meal with you, you had the meal. He nodded curtly and handed his bag to the bellhop, who materialized out of thin air when Neil gestured for someone to help.

He followed Neil to the left-hand side of the hotel, through the high arches, and into the dining area. In the back, there was a private room, which was already set for two. Gabe pulled up a chair at the place setting Neil indicated, then cut to the chase.

“So, what do you need to say to me? If you want me to give up my bond with Ella, you're wasting your time.”

Neil sighed and snapped his napkin open, resting it on his knee. Gabe remained still, keeping his eyes on the other shifter rather than the spread of food.

“Gabe, you seem like a nice guy. We have a few omegasin our pack that remind me of you,” Neil said, picking up his knife and fork to slice into his steak. “They’re reliable, fair, and very trustworthy. I’m sure if I were to ask around about you, everyone would probably say the same things, right?”

Gabe kept his face neutral and waited for Neil to continue. He seemed like someone who enjoyed hearing himself speak.

As it turns out, he didn’t expect an answer, anyway. Neil just nodded to himself and continued talking. “What I’m saying, Gabe, is that in a pack, omegas are very valuable members, but there’s a reason they usually mate with other omegas. Females like Ella require something different. They need a firmer hand. They thrive on it. It’s not your fault you can’t give her what she needs. Hell, you don’t even understand what she needs.”

A small voice in his head agreed with Neil, and that made him see red. He had to be enough for her. There was no other option.
