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“You think you know her, but I can give her the love and protection she deserves. That’s why we’re true mates,” Gabe argued, breaking his silence. “Besides, if you think she’s so special, why did you wait until now to do anything about it? She’s lived here her whole life.”

Neil grimaced. “That was a mistake on my part. I’d been so busy looking for a mate outside our pack that it never occurred to me that I could find a worthy one here. Besides, I’m sure you’ve heard stories about how promiscuous Mariam was. I assumed her sister would have participated in similar… activities.”

“You want her now because you know she’s a virgin?”Gabe spat. The thought made his hackles rise. The thought of this idiot trying to get with his mate just to sleep with her had him reeling.

“Interesting. Is that important to you, Gabe? That she be a virgin?” Neil asked. He tilted his head thoughtfully and took a bite of mashed potatoes. “For me, that’s just a matter of probability. I don’t know what it’s like where you’re from, but most shifters in Dark Claw are chaste before mating. The females are, anyway. What makes Ella special is something that Jeremy pointed out after spending time with her recently. Unlike many females in our time, she doesn’t just accept a mate’s domination; she’s looking forward to it. I’m sure I don’t have to explain why that’s appealing.” He paused, looking the omega over thoughtfully. “Or maybe I do.”

“I think I’ve heard enough,” Gabe snapped. “I’m not going to explain to you how strong a true mating bond is or why you should be respecting it. You can talk all you want about dominance and submission, but if you don’t respect those basic tenants of our kind, there’s really no helping you. After Justine rejected you, I’m sure your pride is bruised, but I don’t really care how you feel. You might want Ella, but I’d kill for her.”

Neil folded his napkin, sighing. “I really do wish you the best, Gabe. I meant what I said about you being a good omega. But I don’t think you truly understand how this will play out, and for that, I’m sorry. I thought I was clear when we spoke back at Ella’s house.”

He clapped Gabe on the shoulder and opened the door to let himself out.

“By the way,” Neil said, pausing as he stepped onto therestaurant floor. “I have a few people here at the hotel tonight, so don’t even think about going back to Ella’s house. Her virginity isn’t the only thing on my mind, but I’ll spill your blood if she smells like you ever again.”

Gabe sat in silence after Neil left, debating whether it was worth it to go back to Ella’s house and cause her a bunch of problems. Outside, the streetlights were on, and she had mentioned going to work in the morning. Working at a bakery probably meant early hours. Staying at the hotel for the night could be the best move, even if everything in him wanted to storm back to her.

He ran his hands through his hair again before taking his phone out of his pocket and dialing Mariam. Gabe wasn’t sure if she’d have any words of wisdom on handling her former beta or proving himself to her sister, but he was getting desperate for some help.

Chapter 12

For the second time that day, I found myself lost in thought in the shower. The warm water wasn't as wonderful as the first time, or maybe my brain was too jumbled to enjoy it. Hopefully, I will get some rest tonight. I was willing to trade pretty much anything to avoid the weird dreams that plagued my mind the past few nights.

I stepped out of the shower and wrapped myself in the towel I had hung on the back of the door. I used a second one to wipe some fog from the mirror. I stood there, staring at my reflection. I wondered why both shifters were suddenly so interested in me when no one had even looked my way up until now. I was at least average looking, sure, but so were most other female werewolves.

My wolf didn’t care about how my human form looked one bit.We shouldn't have let our mate leave, she huffed. She was more than ready to put the whole Samantha issue behind us and ask for Gabe's mating bite. But the more I thought about it, the less sure I was about it.

The little things were nagging at me. Like Gabe being resigned to stay at the hotel when Trace or Neil or any other shifter male wouldn't have agreed to those terms forone minute. Was that proof that maybe they weren't true mates after all? The only thing I was going off of was the scent of cinnamon and Gabe's word that we were meant to be together. What if he was wrong?

I sighed, knowing that there were no answers to all of this. I quickly brushed my teeth and gargled with mouthwash, happy to leave my distorted reflection behind. I padded barefoot back into my bedroom and traded the towel for a fluffy robe. My book was still downstairs, but I didn’t care. All I wanted was some sleep.

I was asleep the second my head hit the pillow. I slept soundly for a few minutes, but then the same male voice was back. He was talking to someone, a different female than last time, but this conversation was much clearer. It was Gabe, and he was having a video chat with Mariam. I could see her. I could see the entire hotel room he was sitting in. It was as though I was looking through Gabe's eyes.

I could also feel what he was feeling; his anxiety was enough to put my stomach into knots.

Poor Gabe. My wolf whined in agreement.

I wanted to comfort him. I needed to help him somehow, but I also didn't want to interrupt his conversation with my sister, although it might be too late for that. He let her finish what she was saying, something about Neil and that he needed to be careful, but then he abruptly cut her off.

“Sorry, Mariam. I need to go, but I’ll call as soon as I have any news.”

“You better,” she teased. “Tell Ella hi for me. She’s being agreatsister and still not returning any of my calls or texts. I hope to see you both back in Tumblewild soon. It’s lonelyhere without you!”

Gabe tapped to end the call.Is that you, Ella?

His thoughts appeared in my mind as if they were my own.What's going on, Gabe? This is the weirdest dream I've ever had.

That was an understatement. Sharing a mind, one consciousness, with Gabe was not what I had planned when I went to bed.

It's not a dream, he answered.But don't worry. It's a good thing, actually. True mates can tap into each other's thoughts after they claim each other.

I frowned. Was I missing something here? We hadn't completed the bite or consummated anything. Why was this happening now?

Gabe chuckled. Of course, he had heard my line of questioning, too.

Something similar happened to Mariam and Trace when their mating was delayed. I read something about it a while back when she was going through it and freaking out. It would only happen when one of them was asleep. The other could see into their world, and as soon as their union was consummated, I guess their connection changed to what other true mates experienced.

I didn’t respond right away, trying to figure out what this would mean for us. Most importantly, it was proof that we were true mates after all, although that’s assuming Gabe wasn’t making that part up…
