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I fiddled with the locking necklace Gabe had placed around my neck earlier that day. After announcing that he would be the dominant one in our relationship, he pulled the necklace out of his pocket, handling it like it was made of glass rather than solid gold.

“It was my grandmother’s,” he said. “Our family has a tradition. The females wear a necklace as a sign of ownership. Some call it a collar.”

The idea made me bristle. “A collar, like as in you own me?”

“Bingo.” Gabe’s smile had melted away the angry retort I had to that. I had wanted someone more domineering. Maybe ownership wouldn’t be that bad.

I shook my head, trying to rid myself of the memory. Maybe now I was getting a mate who was more dominant, even to the point of wanting to own me, but what good was that if he refused to even touch me? Bile rose in my throat at the way he had outright rejected my advances.

The open road leading to Flagstaff was an inviting sight, and I allowed myself to get lost in its familiarity as I drove. I breathed deeply, taking in the cool night air to clear my mind of all negative thoughts.

I wasn’t driving with any particular goal in mind, but soon the city buildings replaced the lush countryside that was home to the Tumblewild pack.

I slowed as I approached a familiar building with an old-fashioned wooden sign that readThe Black Bearin bold letters. It was a bar, one that looked like it had been around for years, given the worn decor. It certainly seemed popular among the locals, with heavy foot traffic coming in and out the doors.

I had never been in a bar, had never even considered it. But at that moment, the temptation to go inside was strong, and the idea of getting lost in a sea of strangers sounded more appealing than returning home alone. But I hesitated— what would happen if I had a drink or two? Would Gabe be upset? Could he be when alcohol wasn't one of the rules he had given to me?

I mentally rattled the new rules off in my head.No going anywhere with another male alone, dress in the clothes Gabe picks out, try to run plans by him first when possible...

He had said there would be more added later or as needed. I never even agreed to follow these rules, per se, but I also didn’t really put up very much of a fight about it. As weird as it was to admit it, having the rules made me feel a little cared for and maybe even a little turned on.

With that thought in mind, a wave of newfound confidence crashed over me, and I pulled into the parking lot. I grabbed the little beaded clutch that Gabe had given me and stepped out, taking a few deep breaths before walking inside.

The bar was bustling with people laughing, chatting, and dancing. Music filled the air and mixed in with the smell of beer, sweat, and cigarette smoke. I looked around briefly before making my way to an opening at the bar. Even though rowdy conversations filled the room, it was oddly calming for me.

I ordered a vodka cranberry from the bartender, who gave me an understanding smile before quickly sliding my drink across the countertop. Vodka cranberry was the only drink I knew. It was something Mariam would order when she went out with her friends, and I could see why-- it wasn’t half bad. I quickly drank that one, enjoying the way it warmed me and caused my brain to quiet.

When I set down the empty glass, the bartender was already making me another. I gratefully accepted it but decided to pace myself. I took a sip of the tart, sugary beverage, and someone caught my eye from across the crowded room – a tall man wearing a black leather jacket with tattoos running up his neck and sleeve. He had been watching me since I sat down at the bar, and when our eyes met, he made his way to me with purposeful strides.

He held out his hand. “Care to dance?” he asked.

My heart raced at his invitation. I had never been asked to dance before, and the idea made me feel alive. I hesitated for a moment before placing my hand in his. His touch was warm and welcoming, but it didn't shoot through me the way it did with Neil.

Gabe, I quickly corrected myself.It didn't feel like it did with Gabe.

He pulled me close as we swayed to the music, our movements in perfect harmony with one another. We continued dancing for what seemed like hours until the music finally stopped, and he leaned down to whisper in my ear: “Do you want another drink?"

I was about to answer but felt my wolf snap to attention, stopping my response. There were eyes on me somewhere in the room, but I couldn’t tell where they were coming from. The crowd was too big and noisy, and my buzz made my head fuzzy.

I excused myself from the stranger, saying I needed to use the restroom. He nodded and stepped aside, allowing me to leave. I quickly made my way through the crowd and finally stumbled into the hallway where the restrooms were located. Just as I reached for the door handle, a hand grabbed my arm and pushed us both in together. Startled, I turned to see Neil standing there with an intensity in his eyes that took my breath away.


He held onto my arm firmly, not letting go as he spoke with a tight jaw: “Surprised to see me, Ella?” His voice was low and menacing but also filled with an edge of desire.Without waiting for an answer, he pushed me against the wall, locking the door behind us. His face was only inches away now, his lips dangerously close to mine as he continued speaking in hushed tones: "I know what you want, Ella. I know you've been thinking about me. You want to be with me, don't you?" His words made my body tingle, and I felt a rush wash over me like never before.

At that moment, it was clear – Neil knew exactly how aroused I was because he felt the same way, too. The air between us thickened as he pulled me in closer, our lips inches apart as if daring me to make the first move.

Finally, it was too much to resist. Our lips met with an urgency that felt like it had been building up from weeks of anticipation. It sent shockwaves through my body as if we were trying to consume each other. Neil's hands moved quickly, running his spare hand up my shirt as our tongues explored each other. I felt alive and free as he moved down to my neck and collarbone, his breath hot against my skin. His touch was electric, sending thrills of pleasure through me like nothing ever had before.

I gasped as Neil pushed his hips against mine, grinding his hardness against my core. I felt him grow even thicker as he continued moving, thrusting himself against me.

The only thing keeping us from fucking were a few flimsy pieces of fabric. I grabbed his shoulders, willing him to go harder, harder.

“I knew you wouldn’t try to remove my mark,” he growled in my ear. “You know this is right. Together we can return to Dark Claw. You'll set Jeremy straight on what happened between us, and we'll start over as the pack's beta couple.”

I felt something stir inside of me. My wolf snapped to attention, free from her temporary haze.

I shouted my anger, pushing against him with all my might. His grip loosened, and I was able to break my arm free, launching myself at him and taking him down to the ground. At first, he welcomed my aggression. The fire in his eyes told me he was turned on by it even.
