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Chapter 2

“What am I going to do with you, Mariam?” Jeremy ran his fingers through his hair, an exasperated look on his face. Although he was only in his mid-thirties, the responsibilities of being an alpha had already begun to age him. There was silver in his hair where there had only been black a few years earlier. Without a mate, the whole weight of the job fell on his shoulders, and I felt a little guilty for adding to his burden.

His eyes flashed when I didn’t answer or apologize. “There is a proper way to do things, to live, Mariam. Have you no shame? Running around our pack, fucking anything that will move? What will your true mate think when he learns what you’ve been doing?”

My anger boiled, giving me unnatural courage. “I don’t care what he thinks. I don’t want a true mate.”

Jeremy’s eyes widened at my words, his face torn between anger at my outburst and confusion over what I had said. He probably assumed that I was as eager as every other member in our pack to find my other half.

“And why is that, Mariam? Obviously, you’re notapprehensive about sex. Is it the biting that concerns you?”

I forced myself not to show my embarrassment over his taunting. “Not every female wants to be owned by a male, alpha.”

Understanding dawned on him, causing him to scowl. “You prefer to run wild rather than being controlled.”

Yup. That was about the size of it. But I wasn’t going to say that aloud. It didn’t matter anyway; my silence was as good as an agreement.

“Do you realize how tempting it is to just assign you to another wolf, right here, right now?” Jeremy hissed. “I could give you to someone who would have no problem straightening you out. He’d probably even relish the task of whipping your ass into shape.”

My face paled. If we were in wolf form, my animal would have already been on her back, showing him her belly in submission.

Jeremy smiled as if reading my mind. He wanted order in our pack and assigning me to a bull-headed asshole would ensure that order reigned. “Consider this your only warning, Mariam. Start acting like a proper she-wolf, or you will find yourself mated before the next full moon.”

He tilted his head to the door, indicating that I was free to go.

I was fuming on the drive back home when I suddenly changed direction and veered toward the Feldman Hotel.


The doorman looked surprised to see me but didn’t comment when I stepped inside. I stood awkwardly in the lobby, realizing I didn’t have Alexander’s phone number orany way to let him know I was at his hotel. If he hadn’t already left, that is.

You should listen to our alpha.My wolf’s warning came with some reproach. It was very black and white for her: the alpha told us to keep it in our pants, so there was no reason for me to be standing in a hotel lobby.

I tried to reason with her and remind her that she hated the idea of being mated as much as I did. If our alpha really cared for us, he wouldn’t be threatening to force us into anything like that.

She whined again, pacing uncomfortably in my mind. I needed to shift soon and let her have some time to run. Part of being a werewolf was learning to respect the balance between us. She refrained from taking over my humanity and forcing a shift, and I needed to make sure she felt heard and had a chance to run. It was a hierarchical relationship, with me being the dominant partner.

“Mariam?” Alexander’s voice tore me away from my thoughts. He leaned against an ornate pillar next to the elevator, his gaze sweeping over me.

I took a deep breath and closed the distance between us, bringing my lips to his when we collided. His hands found my back, waist, and ass, rubbing and touching everywhere at once, setting my skin on fire. I tore my mouth away and met his eyes. “Are you leaving or something? Did I come at a bad time?”

His chuckle vibrated deep in his chest. “Not at all, Mariam.” He pushed the elevator button to take us upstairs. Suddenly self-conscious about our public display, I glanced around hastily. The receptionist glared at us with her lips drawn tight. She was a member of my pack, but I couldn’tremember her name. I gulped. Hopefully, she wouldn’t contact our alpha about my indiscretion. The doorman looked less interested. He had pulled out his phone, focusing his attention elsewhere.

Alexander steered me inside the elevator when the doors opened and immediately covered my body again with his. The pressure of his erection rubbed against me, causing me to forget about the receptionist entirely.

My wolf groaned with me, content to push back against his bulge. Alexander’s hand found my face, turning my lips to his. He began devouring my mouth, nipping, tasting, and feasting on me like he was a starving man.

We couldn’t make it to the room fast enough; he started removing his tie and jacket before we even closed the door. I inhaled his scent, and my fangs elongated to reflect my arousal.

If we intended to mate, he would need to bite me on the base of my neck, so elongated fangs were just part of getting turned on, especially for males. Of course, neither Alexander nor I wanted to mate, so he had to be careful and not accidentally latch on. I wasn’t under the same kind of pressure; my wolf just rose to the surface to experience some of the fun, too.

Alexander’s eyes changed again, showing the wolf just under the surface. He reached around to unzip my dress, and I started removing his shirt. My fingers stretched across his chest, enjoying the way his muscles felt under them.

Alexander didn’t appear to notice as he snapped the clasp on my bra and dipped his head to catch one of my breasts in his mouth. I leaned back and moaned, amazed at how skilled he was at stimulating my nipple. His hand found myother tit, squeezing and testing the weight in his palm.

He pushed forward, guiding me to the bed. I ran my hands through his hair, no longer caring what Jeremy thought. This was what I wanted. This was what Ineeded.

Hours later, after making love in several different locations around the room, I collected my scattered clothing with a satisfied smile. He reclined in the bed, enjoying the view of my partial undress.
