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“You are the first shifter woman I’ve ever fucked,” he admitted, lighting a cigarette, and inhaling deeply. I wrinkled my nose against the strong smell, thankful to be leaving soon. “All the others were humans, and I think you’ve ruined them for me.”

I had never slept with a human, so I had nothing to compare it with. Was there really that much of a difference? “All my partners have been other shifters, but it was good for me, too.”

His eyes clouded over for a minute, trying to suppress his jealousy over the idea of me sleeping with other wolves. The same look of concentration had crossed his face when he climaxed inside of me and had to force himself not to bite my neck in the heat of passion. The man in him understood that this was a one-night stand, but his wolf would be upset that the female he had just fucked wasn’t his to claim. My wolf was smug about being his only shifter conquest, but even she was a little uncomfortable knowing that there were human women he had bedded before us.

I sighed, wanting to chastise her for that ridiculous line of thinking, but it wouldn’t do any good. As much as I had enjoyed the casual fling, my wolf was built for monogamy. She wanted to stay and make the whole thing permanent.She went through the same rollercoaster of emotions whenever it was time for us to leave.

“I hope I didn’t get you in trouble with your alpha,” Alexander offered when he had his wolf back under control. His gaze dipped to the round of my ass, and he reached for it, hesitating as he did so. “Do you think…before you go, I could…”

“No,” I said firmly, already knowing what the question would be. He nodded and settled back in the bed, but his wolf was already showing again in his eyes.

The need to dispense domestic discipline was ingrained in werewolf males, and having sex seemed to bring out that desire in them all. A few times, I had let Patrick take me over his knee because he was on the verge of losing control of his wolf by holding back. As pleased as he was with his handiwork when he was done, I wasn’t able to sit without wincing for days afterward.

At least Alexander was respectful and wasn’t pressuring me to accept a spanking. It could be worse, that’s for sure. A real mate probably wouldn’t even ask first.

“If your alpha ever allows me back on your pack lands, I want to know how to contact you,” he said, fiddling with the hotel bedding absentmindedly.

“I’m sure you’ll be able to find me. Remember, I’m the girl from the library.” I leaned down to kiss him again but stopped when he took another drag from his cigarette. The desire to taste his lips left as quickly as it came.

It was just as well. I needed to get home before it got too late, and Ella started to worry. Alexander offered to walk me back to my car, but I didn’t want anyone else to see us together. I didn’t want to press my luck any more than Ialready had.

Downstairs, I stepped off the elevator only to be assaulted by a new smell. This one put Alexander’s scent to shame, and it stopped me in my tracks. It was cinnamon and rain and everything wonderful, all wrapped up together.

My heart hammered in my chest as I looked around, confused. The scent was nothing like I had ever experienced before. It definitely wasn’t here when I arrived. Across the lobby, a tall man locked eyes with me, and a smile spread across his face. I frowned as he stalked toward me, closing the space between us in just a few strides.

He was gorgeous; that much was undeniable. His dark hair matched his eyes perfectly. His short beard was trimmed neatly against his chiseled face, highlighting his rustic features. His evening jacket settled comfortably across his broad shoulders in a way that said the suit was made for him. The men he was with nudged one another, watching him with interest as he made his way across the room.

My wolf perked up, her full attention on him. As he came closer, she started spinning and giving happy, playful yips. I stumbled backward when he leaned forward to inhale deeply, but he grabbed me before I could fall. Or, more likely, before I could turn and bolt.

“Mate.” He growled low in his throat, and his eyes flashed intensely. “Why do you smell like another male?”

I swallowed hard and tried to shake him off, but his grip only tightened. “You’re hurting me,” I accused. “Let me go.”

“I don’t think so,” he replied darkly. “Answer me.” His snarl told me he was close to losing control of his wolf as he breathed in my scent again. Maybe I could use his lack ofrestraint in my favor.

“I smell like another male because I was just upstairs fucking one. He’s still there now, in the bed we shared.” The words ignited a fire in him, causing him to tear his hand away from me and rush to the stairwell without glancing back. The other wolves in his group were momentarily stunned. They looked at each other and then at me before following him upstairs.

I sent a silent apology to Alexander but didn’t waste any time running back to the truck, knowing that this would be my only opportunity to get away. I had to put as much distance between myself and the male wolf as possible if I wanted to remain unmated.

I peeled out of the driveway, fumbling to dial Patrick as my truck swerved and straightened.

“Hello?” His voice sounded groggy, like I had woken him up. A glance at the clock said it was after one in the morning, so I probably had.

“Patrick? I need your help,” I gulped, unsure how he would react to what I was going to tell him. “I was at the Feldman Hotel, and I think I saw my mate. My true mate.”

That woke him up. Patrick growled. “Come to my place. We can talk about this when you get here.”

Even though he couldn’t see it through the phone, I nodded and hung up. Thoughts raced through my mind about what I would need to do. Once a male found his true mate, there was no getting rid of him without breaking the bond. Of course, most females were all too happy to be found and claimed, so there was no need to try to escape them. But in my case, the unrelenting pull he felt would ruin everything.

I struggled to keep my wolf under control as I drove. She wanted to run back to the handsome stranger and receive his bite. She was furious that I was taking her away from him. I tried to reason with her.It would take all our freedom away. He would control our every move.

We don’t know that, she snapped back at me.Maybe he will care for us and allow us to have our freedom.

I snorted at her ignorance. The man had grabbed my arm to prevent me from leaving and was probably tearing apart a hotel room in a jealous rage at this very moment. There was no way he would be okay with an open relationship status.

I’m not okay with it either, just for the record.My wolf curled up in a corner, facing away from me and pouting. It was better than her trying to take control from me, so I let her be.

I arrived at Patrick’s apartment a few minutes later, unsure of what I could do to prevent the male wolf from following my scent. I had some body splash in the glove compartment, so I sprayed it around the truck and left a few sprits as I walked to his door. Using the key Patrick had given me, I let myself in.
