Page 37 of The Artist's Muse

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“I have a feeling it isn’t going to be that easy,” he said.

She shrugged. “You never know.”

“Oh, trust me, I know. I have a younger sister, remember?”

“True, but I’m sure you weren’t one to get in fist fights in school. All three of my brothers were.” Her lips curved into a playful smirk.

“Now I’m wondering why I agreed to this,” he said, shaking his head. “I suppose that’s why you waited to tell me about your brothers until now.”

Nicole laughed softly. She truly couldn’t wait to see the faces of her family members when they saw she’d brought one of the princes of Theron to their holiday meal.

The car slowed, turning onto the gravel driveway that crunched beneath its weight, announcing their arrival. Nicole’s childhood home stood sentinel against the twilight, its windows aglow with welcoming light. She smoothed her dress, an unconscious gesture as anticipation fluttered within her.

“Ready?” Theodore asked, as the car came to a stop. His hand found hers, a reassuring anchor.

“Always,” she responded, squeezing his hand before releasing it to open the door.

They ascended the steps together, Nicole leading the way. The heavy oak door swung open before they could knock, revealing her father—a robust man whose presence filled the doorway. His eyes flickered with surprise as they settled on Theodore.

“Father,” Nicole said, stepping forward. “I’d like you to meet Theodore. Theodore, this is my father, George.”

“Sir,” Theodore greeted, extending his hand with the ease of a man accustomed to both power and politeness. Nicole hid a smile at her father’s obvious surprise.

“Your Royal Highness,” George bowed briefly. “Welcome to our home, Theodore,” her father said. “Nicole told us she was bringing a gentleman friend, but we weren’t expecting you.”

Theodore nodded slightly, a smile at his lips. “She’s always a surprise, isn’t she?”

“She is that,” George said, embracing his daughter.

“She’s the most remarkable woman I’ve ever met,” Theodore admitted with a smile.

“Is that so?” her father queried, a hint of pride in his deep-set eyes as he looked at Nicole. “Come in, then. Let’s hear all about it.”

As they moved through the foyer, the familiar scent of polished wood and citrus tickled Nicole’s senses, a comforting embrace of home. Yet, walking beside Theodore, she felt the subtle shift in her world, seeing it all through the eyes of a man accustomed to luxury.

Upon entering the sunlit kitchen, awash with the aroma of rosemary and baked apples, Nicole felt a flutter of nerves as her mother turned from the stove. With her apron dusted in flour, Susan’s warm, maternal presence had always been the heart of their family home. Nicole moved into her mother’s embrace and just stood for a moment, before moving back to introduce Theodore.

Her mother’s eyes widened in astonishment, a wooden spoon held in the air as if she would fight off anyone who hurt her family with it.

“Mom, this is Theodore,” Nicole said, a mischievous glint dancing in her eyes.

Susan’s spoon clattered to the floor, her hand flying to her mouth as she gasped, “Prince Theodore?” Disbelief laced her tone, an octave higher than usual. She immediately dropped into a curtsey. “Your Highness.”

Theodore offered a wry, charming smile, inclining his head respectfully. “At your service, Mrs. Winters (that’s Nicole’s last name).”

“Nicole!” Susan exclaimed, her voice a tangle of reprimand and awe. “You didn’t say you were bringing royalty!” She shook her head at her daughter. “Don’t you think that would have been information I needed? I would have cleaned!”

“Your home is beautiful,” Theodore said quickly. “I believe Nicole wanted my presence to be a surprise.”

“Surprise doesn’t quite cover it,” her mother muttered under her breath, but her eyes shone with a mix of pride and overwhelming joy. She moved forward, embracing Theodore with the unconditional warmth reserved for family.

Nicole watched, her heart swelling with an affectionate amusement. Her mother was just as surprised as Nicole had imagined she would be.

The oak table in the dining room was set for the occasion. As they took their seats, Ethan, Gabriel, and Alexander, Nicole’s older brothers, wore matching smirks, their eyes twinkling with mischief.

“So, our little sister snags a prince and thinks she can just slip him in at a holiday meal?” Alexander teased, passing the basket of freshly baked rolls.

“Must’ve been one heck of a ‘happily ever after’ pitch,” Gabriel chimed in, serving himself a generous portion of glazed carrots.
