Page 39 of The Artist's Muse

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“Very serious,” Theodore affirmed. “I want nothing more than to marry her and start a family.”

“Can you promise me to keep her safe?” her father asked, the weight of paternal concern creasing his brow. “Can you promise me that your life, your world, won’t put her in harm’s way?” He was obviously shaken up that his daughter had been kidnapped and he was just now finding out.

“Life is unpredictable, sir,” Theodore acknowledged, his own uncertainty a tight knot in his stomach. “But I can promise to be her shield to the best of my ability. I will take her safety as seriously as I take my own father’s.”

Her father’s gaze remained locked on Theodore’s, searching, assessing. “You’re not just any man, Theodore. You’re a prince. With that comes power, yes, but also peril.”

“I will protect her with every breath I take. She will have her own guards. The man behind her kidnapping has been taken into custody, and he has been stripped of his title. He will soon stand trial for what he did to Nicole and for his treasonous actions against my family. He will not harm her again.”

“Your words are well chosen, Prince Theodore.” Nicole’s father turned away once more, resuming his pacing. “But they’re just that—words. My daughter is not a negotiation or a campaign strategy. She’s flesh and blood. My flesh and blood.”

“Of course, sir.” Theodore’s hand clenched at his side, his nails digging crescents into his palm. He needed to convey the depth of his commitment, to bridge the gap between intention and assurance.

“Perhaps,” her father said slowly, pausing mid-stride, “it’s time I stop trying to protect her from everything. Perhaps it’s time I trust her choice.” He exhaled sharply. “Nicole has made her decision, hasn’t she?”

“I hope she will. I have yet to ask her,” Theodore said softly, feeling the air shift around them.

“Then,” her father said, turning back to Theodore, a fragile smile touching his lips, “you have my blessing. May you both find happiness and strength in each other.”

“Thank you, sir,” Theodore breathed, relief flooding through him. “I am forever grateful for this honor.”

“Take care of my daughter, Theodore,” her father warned.

“Always,” Theodore vowed, the promise a solemn oath that he intended to keep until his last breath.

Chapter Sixteen

A few hours later, Theodore and Nicole said their goodbyes to her family, promising to be back soon.

In the backseat of the car, they relaxed, and Nicole laughed. “Did you see their faces when they realized I brought the prince to lunch at their home?”

Theodore grinned. “It was a fun surprise. I don’t know if they found it as much fun as we did, but I thought it was terribly amusing.”

Nicole shook her head. “I hate that the day is already over,” she said.

“But it’s not. Now we have dinner with my family.”

“At the palace?” She’d been to the palace, certainly, but she had never been there for a formal meal with his family. It sounded nerve-wracking to her.

“That is where my family lives...”

Later, in the parlor, with its vaulted ceilings and ancestral portraits, Nicole felt welcomed by the paintings on the walls. Prince Theodore’s hand found Nicole’s, an unspoken reassurance amidst the opulence that was part of his family home. King Albert sat in a high-backed chair, his silver hair catching the soft light, while Queen Beatrice perched beside him, pearls at her throat mirroring the twinkle in her eyes. The queen seemed absolutely thrilled to have Nicole there.

“Ah, the prodigal son returns,” King Albert said. His eyes, however, danced with mirth.

“I told you I was hoping we would return in time to have supper with the family,” Theodore replied, easing Nicole further into the room.

Princess Eloise leaned forward where she lounged on an elegant settee, her gaze bright with curiosity. “We’ve been eager to hear about your adventures among the common folk,” she teased gently.

“Adventures indeed,” Nicole said, mustering her courage. “My family wasn’t quite certain what to think when I showed up with the prince of the land as my escort. My brothers all enjoyed having him as someone to tease. I think they’d prepared for it. They were in rare form.”

Amanda, seated gracefully beside Prince James, smiled knowingly. “Sounds like it was a lot of fun. I would have felt right at home.”

“I’m glad the day was such a success,” Prince James added, gesturing toward the grand doorway leading to the dining room. “But for now, let us dine. I believe the chefs have outdone themselves this evening.”

As they filed into the formal dining room, Nicole’s senses were assaulted by the scent of roasted meats and exotic spices. The table, long and ornate, was set with gleaming silver and fine china that looked far too delicate to touch. Servants flitted about like silent specters, attending to every detail.

“Please, sit,” Queen Beatrice invited, a warm smile directed at Nicole.
