Page 64 of Scandal

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“What does that mean?”

“Nothing, other than you’re very good at your job but given the way Matt treated you, I honestly believe you were and still are ready for something entirely different. Look, I admire that, and you’ve had the respect of your peers. I’m just asking is if the man is worth jeopardizing everything you’ve worked for?”

“Yeah, Jenny, he is. Because it’s the right thing to do.” The fact the question was easy to answer gave me a feeling that I wasn’t completely nuts. Jonny wasn’t a bad man, no matter how many times he’d attempted to tell me he was. I could trust him. Maybe I was just worried about trusting myself. Jenny was right about something very important.

I was more than ready for something different, and Jonny had that in spades.

“You’re right, honey. It’s just I don’t want you hurt. You forget that I know all about mafia guys. Plus, I know about JonnyJames’ reputation. He makes that dude you tried to convict, the Butcher, look like a candy store salesman. He deserves to go to prison.”

“Only if he’s guilty. But I don’t know how he could have been in two places at once.”

“If the evidence you got from the medical examiner was wrong, then it’s possible.”

I hadn’t remembered telling her that I’d talked to Victoria in detail. “She’s never wrong. Victoria is meticulous.”

“True. Now you have me curious. Are you still seeing this guy?” Her sexy, imploring voice had returned.

“Let’s just say I’m taking what we shared into self-advisement until I determine how to handle the case.” Now I was lying to her. Why? Because I couldn’t trust anyone other than Jonny and myself. Wasn’t that nuts? And the reason? Because I’d been knocked off my game and was fearful I couldn’t get back up.

“Good girl. I’m not trying to tell you what to do,” Jenny continued, “but you need to think about and protect yourself. You have such a bright future.”

Why did I feel like I’d suddenly dropped into a surreal world? “You’re right. That’s why I’m staying late to ensure I’m putting all the pieces together. Cases like this just nag at my inner do-the-right-thing girl. You know how it is.”

“Sadly, I do. Maybe we can grab brunch over the weekend? You’ve been working too hard. Plus, I will want all the juicy details.” Her laugh made me roll my eyes.

“Somebody needs to earn the big bucks. Right? Brunch sounds perfect,” I said, trying to keep the tone of my voice light. Why did I have the distinct feeling that wasn’t going to happen?

“Fantastic. Then we’ll talk soon. Just be careful, girl. Like I said, I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

Yeah, neither did I, but I also didn’t like living a lie, which is exactly what I felt like I was doing. Living inside a bubble that was going to burst soon. The nagging continued.

After ending the call, I held the phone to my head. I knew my bestie was right, but my little voice was nagging me that whatever was going on, being caught in the middle was the worst possible place to be. I wasn’t cut out to be a fledgling criminal, but I refused to allow the railroad into hell to continue. Maybe I needed to don my superwoman cape. I almost laughed when movement caught my attention.

Christine was leaving her office, heading out with the last person she’d met with behind closed doors. I glanced at my watch. It was nearly closing time. How had the hours passed? The fact she had her purse with her meant she wasn’t returning. If the majority of the people in the office left work on time, I could slide inside and see if she had anything in her personal files.

It was the riskiest thing of all but something that might help. I refused to allow Jonny to be taken to jail. And I had a sick feeling inside that they’d find a way to railroad him back into jail for safe keeping. He needed to go somewhere to keep from being found. Oh, God. This was getting so far out of hand I couldn’t think straight.

I tried not to pay any attention to what was happening outside my office door, but it was difficult not to hold my breath untilshe walked out. After she did, I sat back, glancing at the upload. It needed a few more minutes. Fuck. I certainly would never become a career criminal.

As I was staring out the massive administrative pool, my view of the front entrance a direct line of vision, I didn’t notice when my assistant, Cally, walked in.

“Ms. Beckett?”

“Shit. Sorry,” I laughed, pressing my hand against my chest and shifting further in front of the computer. “I didn’t see you standing there.”

“It’s okay. Do you need anything else for the day?”

She seemed as if something was bothering her. “No, I’ll be leaving in a little while. Is everything okay?”

Cally brushed her hand through her hair. “I think so. Everyone seems to be acting weird in the office.”

“Any idea why?”

“I don’t know but Ms. Warner is on the warpath.”

Christine required all the employees who weren’t considered top level to use her last name. For some reason, that had always irritated me. “Did she say anything?”

“Just muttered something about not being able to trust anyone.”
