Page 86 of Scandal

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I met every savage thrust with one of my own, arching my back as much as the tight restraints would allow, my breath caught in my throat. Together, we were as one, the push and pull of who we were, the festering and building needs likely pushing us straight into hell. Neither one of us cared. All that mattered at that moment was the two of us, fulfilling our animalistic desires.

There was no stopping the man, his brutal actions overwhelming. Yet I had a little control left. When his body tensed, becoming stilted as he neared an overwhelming longing to release, I squeezed my muscles as tightly as possible. A smile crossed my face as he threw his head back, his ragged, whispered roar something I would cherish. And as he filled me with his seed, I envisioned the future.

While a part of it scared me to death, the most important aspect was that I knew in my heart and soul this was exactly where I was supposed to be.

Not just for now, for safety purposes.

For all time.

After all, I did belong to him.

I had everything I needed, Jonny providing me with a laptop, a printer, and a room where I could work. I’d been searching through the information I’d grabbed for over two hours, barely touching the cup of coffee, which I’d desperately needed at first. The sleepless night had been… delicious, the rugged man taking me twice more, leaving us both sweaty and out of breath.

And sticky.

I lifted my gaze from the computer screen as I thought about the ice cream fight in the kitchen. We’d ignored the mess but when I’d walked into the room to grab a cup of coffee, everything had been cleaned, the shirt I’d worn tossed into the laundry. I’d been grateful to whatever staff member had handled it, ensuring the adorable little boy hadn’t discovered our wickedness.

A flash of heat washed over me and I bit my lower lip, finally shoving aside thoughts of sin and passion. There was far too much work to do. I’d watched the latest broadcast, including the local news that Michael had found for me on his iPad. While I didn’t want to dwell on the lies, as I’d explained to Jonny, who’d forbidden me to watch the videos again, it was vital we knew what was being said.

In addition to discovering the ammunition we needed, I was building a defense case to clear both our names. Regardless of future plans or the fact it would likely be a cold day in hell before I’d be able to keep or get a new job in Louisville, I had no intention of being labeled a criminal.

And I refused to allow the man I… loved to be labeled one either. I took a few additional seconds, savoring the thought of being so intensely in love with him that I had trouble breathing. That’s the moment my mother had said she knew she was in love with my father, when she couldn’t breathe. Or think clearly. Or eat.

I hadn’t eaten and certainly didn’t have an appetite. At least my cognitive abilities seemed to be intact, which was vital if we wanted to get out of this mess. What I’d brought with me from my computer provided no sense of any wrongdoing. However, it held every scrap of information and discovery notes I’d collected on Jonny James and Liam O’Connor and his family.

After studying the information for almost twenty minutes, I’d finally realized I hadn’t really gone over the O’Connor corporate files. I’d only given them a cursory look since I’d been convinced that they were the victims. Now I was beginning to wonder. While the Louisville police hadn’t managed to break either the traditional code of honor maintained within crime syndicates or managed to convict more than a couple of low-level soldiers for petty crimes, I could tell how powerful the family was.

They certainly held more power in the United States than the James syndicate did. And it would appear they had just as many enemies.

What troubled me was that there was some indication one of the possible allies of theirs resided in New Orleans. My skin crawled just thinking about the possible connection to Jenny’s brother. While turning coat on an alliance wasn’t unheard of, it was a dangerous maneuver to do so from another city.

Unless a ploy was in place.

Maybe I was thinking too much like a conspiracy theorist, but I was exactly in the same mindset as Jonny. Refusing to leave any stone unturned. After printing a few files that I preferred looking at on paper, I moved to the second jump drive, the one stolen from Christine’s office. The moment I shoved it into the system and pulled up the files, I could tell exactly why Jonny had been concerned.

Everything was password encrypted. Even if I knew Christine more personally, it would take hours, maybe days to try to figure out her password. That was assuming that she’d used just one. For all I knew, this could have come from someone else, the password only existing in her mind. Fuck. I tried a few, including her birthdate, but that didn’t work.

I wasn’t tech savvy enough to know how to go about setting up a search system. What would I do instead? I started jotting notes.

A few minutes later, I realized I wasn’t alone. When I looked up, the fact Christian was watching me intently, his little nose wrinkled and his brow furrowed, drew a smile from me. “How did you sleep?”

Instead of signing the answer, he shrugged then walked around the desk, glancing at what I was doing. He seemed enthralled by the number of files, studying them as if he had the answer that I needed.

“They’re work files from my job.”

He slowly turned his head, studying me in the strangest way. Then he signed something that would haunt me for the rest of the day.

Do you love my daddy?

I was clueless how to answer. “Your daddy is a very special man. Did you know he saved my life?”

His little eyes opened wide. He shook his head.

“Yes, from a bad man. That makes your daddy a hero. Did you know he secretly wears a cape at night while making certain that you’re safe at all times?”

He widened his eyes even more as if in awe of what I’d told him. When he shook his head again, I tugged on his shirt.

“Yes. He’s just like Superman flying high in the sky.” I flitted my hand, dancing my fingers as if flying. Then I shifted my gaze toward the door after sensing a presence.
