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“Zurvan, will you come back to me?”

He crossed his arms. “I was never with you.”

The words acted like a blow. Her striking silver-grey eyes registered vivid pain. Then, after a moment, Atia’s expression returned to one of indifference and she shifted her gaze to Celeste.

“In answer to your question, I came because I was intrigued. This woman wished to take your place.”

Celeste saw Zurvan stiffen.

“I think maybe I can arrange that.” A superior smile curled her lips. “You were wrong, Zurvan. You have underestimated my abilities. Icangive her the power of the Djinn. I can make her a genie.”

“No, Atia, don’t.”

She sent him a sidelong glance. “Will you return with me?”


“Then you and she have chosen her fate, not I.”

* * *

Zurvan felt his insides quake. How could he sentence Celeste to an eternity of pain? He had a choice this time.

Atia raised her hand, ready to strike Celeste into the stone.

“Wait.” Zurvan held his hands palm upwards. “Atia, if I agree to go with you, will you let her return to her life? And will you remove the memory of me from her mind?”

* * *

Celeste’s heart froze. She did not want to forget Zurvan. And she definitely didn’t want him to sacrifice himself to save her. He’d suffered too much already. There had to be something she could do.

“Wait a minute. What about my wish? I get my wish, don’t I? Is there no integrity in this genie world of yours?”

“It is spunky, isn’t it?” Atia took Zurvan’s hands and smiled, lighting her beautiful face with an ethereal glow.

Celeste couldn’t help the jealousy raging through her. She couldn’t understand why Zurvan wasn’t madly in love with the woman. She had beauty, brains, power, and she was one of his own kind. And she loved him. What else could a man want?

Me. He wants me,her heart answered fiercely.

Zurvan looked at Atia with indifference. He didn’t even regard her with the hate that would show he had some kind of feelings for her.

At this, Atia’s glow faded and pain shaded her features once again.

Suddenly, Celeste felt compassion for Atia. She had done a terrible thing imprisoning Zurvan, and she intended to keep them apart forever, but the pain Celeste saw in her eyes explained her actions all too well.

Celeste and Zurvan were the lucky ones. They might never be together again. They might both have to suffer an eternity apart. But they both knew they were loved. They both knew someone existed in the universe who loved them above all else. That knowledge would give her happiness despite all else. Even if her memory of Zurvan were erased, she would sense his love, just as he would sense hers.

She had been given the gift of love. Her mother had always told her, ‘You never feel so whole and right as when you love another person and that person loves you back.’

Her mother might never have found that state of being, but the words rang true. Now that Celeste had experienced the reality, she realized it went further than loving one human being. It extended to loving yourself, and loving others, making a real connection to someone and something. Now that she loved, she felt that connection.

There was nothing more she could do to help Zurvan and herself. She would have to leave that to the universe and fate. But maybe she could do something to help this sad, lonely woman before her.

Zurvan’s advice squiggled through her brain. You can help others, but if you do, help one person. That is how to make the greatest impact.

“Before you decide what to do, will you allow me my third wish?”

“Atia, you have nothing to lose by granting her last wish,” Zurvan said.
