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A quiver ran through Celeste.Granting her last wish.That sounded way too much like a last request before a death sentence.

Atia turned to her.

“Fine,” she snapped. “Your third wish. What is it?” She tapped her foot.

Celeste took a deep breath, calming herself. She glanced at Zurvan, knowing she would never see him again, wanting to drink in the sight of him as long as possible. Then she looked back to Atia, locking gazes with the silver-eyed goddess.

A chill ran through Celeste at the desolation in those eyes. Atia might have made Zurvan and Celeste suffer, but only because her suffering far surpassed anything she could ever do to anyone else. The woman longed for love, not just with another person, but with herself.

Celeste could feel the hollowness inside her. Her compassion grew.

Atia’s manner changed. She seemed unnerved by the direct eye contact. It was as though she felt Celeste gazing into her soul. She seemed about to say something, possibly changing her mind about the wish.

Celeste hesitated no longer. “I wish that you, Atia, find happiness with your true love.”

Celeste felt sick inside, knowing she might be changing things so that Zurvan would love Atia and forget about Celeste. Or worse, remember her with mild affection, or even indifference. But she drew strength in knowing it didn’t matter what happened after her wish, because her connection with Zurvan had healed her and made her whole. Zurvan loved her right now, and the memory of that love would be with her forever.

All the air in the room seemed to evacuate, and Celeste’s lungs froze. Her gaze remained locked on Atia. The woman’s eyes widened, bright as mirrors, and she sank to the floor. Celeste’s heart compressed at the sight of her, looking like a tiny, lost child.

“Why would you make such a wish? Why for me?” Atia’s whispered words caught like wool dragged across a thistle.

“Seeing you in such pain, how could I not?”

Out of the corner of her eye, Celeste saw Zurvan’s hands rise, light shimmering from his palms. The light glowed brighter and brighter, forming a radiant ball of golden light. The incredible beauty of it took her breath away. The golden ball of light settled over Atia, surrounded her, then disappeared inside her. After a moment, her tightly drawn features softened. In fact, everything about her softened. The ice-hard metallic silver glint of her demeanor melted into a muted, sterling-silver glow.

She looked like a woman in love. Truly in love.

What Celeste had earlier assumed was love must have been something else, because there was no mistaking what she saw now.

Atia raised herself from the floor and glanced at Zurvan. Tears glinted in her eyes, and she appeared so vulnerable it hurt Celeste to look at her.

“No,” Atia said in a tiny whisper while shaking her head. “No,” she said louder, her eyes blazing. Her fists clenched and pressed against her cheeks, then she spun around, sparks flying from her. She glared at Celeste, pure hatred in her eyes.

Something slammed against Celeste, knocking the wind from her. Everything went black.

* * *

The first thing Celeste became aware of was biting pain around her wrists and an ache in her arms and shoulders. She groaned and tried to shift position. The pain surged, jolting her to alertness. Her legs seemed to be dangling below her.

She opened her eyes. Darkness surrounded her. She blinked several times as, slowly, her eyes grew accustomed to the lack of light. She could barely make out her surroundings. A small, dim room. Stone walls and floor. A cell of some kind.

She tried to turn around, ignoring the resulting pain. At a clinking noise above her, she glanced up. Chains, linked to metal bands encircling her wrists, disappeared into the darkness above her.

A memory flashed through her mind—the rage in Atia’s eyes after Celeste had made her wish. No, actually after Zurvan had granted it. Had that rage actually been jealousy because Celeste had been Zurvan’s lover? Had Atia decided to punish Celeste for the past she and Zurvan shared?

At this very moment, was Zurvan in Atia’s arms speaking words of love… and meaning them? Her heart compressed. She had lost not only Zurvan, but also his love.

Long hours passed while she hung from the chains, brooding over thoughts of Atia and Zurvan. Celeste still loved Zurvan with all her heart. She would never stop. And knowledge that he had once loved her, and still would if Atia hadn’t interfered, comforted her, but it did not stop the agonizing pain that gripped her, tearing at every cell in her body.

Her arms had almost gone numb from the pain. Almost. How long had passed? She longed for some water for her dry mouth and parched throat. Did Atia intend to leave her here to die of dehydration? Or starvation?

Something scurried across the floor, and a chill scurried up Celeste’s spine. It was probably a mouse or, she shuddered, a rat. A cat would be a welcome companion right now.

Another movement dragged her attention to the left, to a large shape a few feet from her. It moved toward her, and her heart leaped into high gear.

“Don’t be afraid.” A woman’s voice. Soft. Filled with warmth. Definitely not Atia’s.

A soft, diffuse light filled the room. Celeste blinked a few times while her eyes adjusted.
