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His voice was quiet, but filled with authority. The fact that he spoke English sent a wave of relief through her, followed immediately by frustration. She had a dozen or more questions to ask. She'd already missed her flight out of here, and her wallet, passport, and luggage had been stolen. She still had her purse, at least, she had until they'd brought her here and confiscated it, but she had no money.

Where would she stay tonight? How would she buy a ticket to get another flight home? And if she succeeded in getting a ticket, how would she get across the border without a passport?

Her frustration turned quickly to anger. "Look, I was dragged here against my will and I demand that—

"Silence." His eyes flared to a fiery black. "After what you have done, you have no right to demand anything."

"What I've done?" she shot back, ignoring the chill rushing down her spine at his intimidating tone. "I haven't done anything. You don't seem to understand—"

"I understand very well." His sharp glare fixed on her as he extended his arm toward her.

A large green pendant on a gold chain hung from his hand. An emerald. Actually, the largest emerald she'd ever seen. She reached out to touch it, but he snatched it into his fist.

"This is Dhiya's. As are the clothes you wear now," he stated flatly.

Her eyes widened. "So you know who robbed me." Relief washed through her. "I guess that means you've caught her. Great. I'd really like to get my things and ..."

His dark eyes narrowed dangerously.

"Don't play me for a fool. Why was my beloved Dhiya's pendant in your purse? Why was she seen boarding a plane wearing your clothes, traveling on your ticket, using your passport?"

Her jaw tightened. She didn't like the sound of this. This situation looked like trouble with a capital 'T.' She had to straighten this guy out right now.

"I already explained to the other men that I went into the washroom and this woman—"

He slammed his fist on the desk, the sharp sound reverberating through the room like a gunshot.


She gulped back the rest of her explanation and stared at him. Quietly.

"That's better. Now, you will listen."

He stepped from behind the desk and paced, his hands folded behind his back. His white robes billowed as he strode back and forth.

"As I see it, there are two possibilities. One, you were involved in kidnapping Dhiya and transporting her out of the country. Two, you helped Dhiya at her request, taking her necklace as payment. Either way, you are in grave trouble. Both are an insult to me and my family."

She shook her head in disbelief, knowing she had to set him straight.

"She robbed me at gunpoint."

"Dhiya would never touch a gun."


"—if you were a man, there would be many options open to me to exact justice."

He sat on the edge of his desk facing her, his arms crossed over his chest.

Her heart hammered loudly and the muscles in her chest tightened painfully. Just what did he intend to do to her? She'd heard of officials in these small countries throwing people into prison for years because of some inadvertent transgression. She pictured herself stuck in a grimy jail cell, sharing scraps of food with rats.

"But I cannot bring myself to be so harsh with a woman." He watched her with those coal-black eyes.

She let out a sigh of relief. She'd never wanted to use her gender as an advantage, but right now, she had no such qualms.

"What …?" Her voice came out choked, so she cleared her throat and tried again. "What do you intend to do with me?"

He stared at her for a long moment and his gaze slipped past her chin to her chest. She raised her hand to toy with the top button of the robe, at least the top button that was still fastened.
