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A drop of perspiration glided slowly down her neck. Like a breath of fire grazing her skin, his gaze seared her as he followed the progress of the drop as it forged a path down her chest, then disappeared between her breasts. He lingered on the swell of flesh peeking from the deep neckline. He might as well have been caressing her breasts physically for the affect he was having on her. Her nipples pebbled, hardening and peaking against the thin fabric.

Awareness shimmered through her, of his overwhelming masculinity, and of just how vulnerable she was.

His gaze shifted to her face.

"To repay the debt of dishonor, you will serve me."

"What do you mean 'serve you'? "

"You will warm my bed. Tonight, and for as many nights as I see fit."

She blinked at him.

"I … beg your pardon?"

"You may well do, but I will not pardon you. You have wronged me and you will pay with the only currency you have as a woman. Your body."

Her stomach clenched painfully and her hands started to shake. Oh, God. This couldn't really be happening.

"You can't mean …"

His hot gaze told her otherwise.

"But that's barbaric." Yet the thought of this man dragging her into his arms, his mouth devouring hers, sent shivers of excitement through her.

"Insults will not better your position."

"How long do you intend to … keep me here?"

"When Dhiya returns, I will have answers. If you merely helped her, then I will consider your debt of dishonor repaid and I will let you go. If it turns out you were involved in kidnapping her, then your situation will change, for the worse."

"And if she doesn't return?"

His expression turned dangerous.

"You had better hope that she does," he growled.

She bolted to her feet, her hands clenched into fists at her sides.

"You don't seem to understand. I'm the victim here."


Obviously, he wasn't going to listen. Fear sliced through her, colliding with anger at the unfairness of it all. There had to be some way to straighten out this whole mess.

She glared at him.

"This is ridiculous. I have rights. I demand to see the Canadian ambassador at once," she said with as much authority as she could muster.

She stomped across the room toward the exit and flung open the door. Two very large, very scary looking guards turned and stared at her. Their expressions dared her to try and leave. She took one step forward and they tensed. She glanced at the long swords settled in scabbards at their waists. Of course, they wouldn't even need to unsheathe those things. All they'd have to do is pick her up bodily and put her where they wanted her.

"They won't let you leave unless I allow it."

She turned to face the man at the desk.

"And I will not allow you to leave my house, or my country, until you have paid your debt."

She swallowed the lump forming in her throat.
