Page 26 of Take the Bait

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Ashton looks away from me and confusion sets in immediately. Maybe he didn't enjoy himself as much as I did? Well that sucks.

"Hey, I was joking around. You don't have to fuck me again if you don't want to. No strings remember?"

He turns back with a scowl wrinkling his entire forehead and if I didn't know any better, I would think he is about to cry with how glassed over his eyes are.

"That's not it, I ... I took some pills and now it won't go down."

"What did you take? Are you on some crazy drugs you bought from a guy behind a bar or something? Wow, I didn't peg you for the type to ..."

He stops me again. "I took ED pills!" He practically shouts, the confession making me freeze, the half-chewed pancake in my mouth sitting dormant on my tongue.

"Why would you do that, you're nineteen for fuck's sake Ash. If you didn't want to ... "

"I wanted to fuck you, and I want to fuck you again right now. I was worried that you being older would make you more experienced and I didn't want to disappoint you with my ... performance. So I took two but then they weren't working and you were almost home and I was piss drunk and I panicked so I took another one and now ... my dick could be a fucking battering ram." The words fly out of him as he paces back and forth, his dick tent acting like an arrow pointing left, and then right, and then left again as he changes his direction. I do my best to stifle the laugh that escapes but I fail miserably. Ashton stops in his tracks and turns to face me, the panic in his eyes even darker now.

"I didn't mean to laugh ... okay so you took three and you had alcohol in your system? What was the recommended dosage because it's usually ... "

"I should have only taken two but I was an idiot and bought three just in case and then took three."

My brain shoots into triage mode, taking in the information he is giving me and analyzing what next step needs to happen to relieve the blood flow from his manhood. Alcohol thins out your blood but ED pills will increase blood flow and this is why it's not recommended to do both simultaneously. Shit, he is not going to like the solution I am about to give him.

"You need to go to the hospital, Ash." My face is serious, even with the sweetness of maple syrup on my lips and the must of him still clinging to my tongue.

His face pales, the reality of the situation he is in becoming all too real.

"Come on Mel, you can't fix this? You wouldn't let me bring you to the hospital the night we met because you said you could handle that ... you must have a trick for this ... please."

I can see the fear in his eyes and it's a look I haven't seen from Ashton before. But he doesn't even know how bad it will be, I haven't told him everything yet. And I'm not sure that I can with the way he is looking at me right now. If I tell him, he will probably refuse to go and that could be more dangerous.

"I don't have the tools I would need to fix this. If I could, I would, believe me. But this ... we need supplies." I don't let my eyes meet his, afraid he might be able to see that part of the truth has been left out. I am in the business of delivering bad news, but that is to people I don't know - to people that didn't have their dick buried in me a few hours ago.

I take one more bite of my pancakes before moving the plate off my lap and dragging myself to the edge of the bed to get up.

"Get on a shirt and your shoes, I'm going to go get dressed and then I will bring you to the hospital." Without thinking, I plant my hand on his shoulder in an attempt to comfort him. All he does is nod and I make my way to my room. I throw on a quick outfit, taking my hair out of the disheveled bun before putting it into a more organized pony.

I meet Ashton in the kitchen and am thankful that he can slide his feet into the sneakers I have never seen him wear that sit next to the door. I can imagine it would be a challenge to bend down to put them on himself and having to do that for him seems a bit patronizing. The poor guy is already feeling like less of a man, I can tell by the way he doesn't carry himself with confidence anymore, but instead with embarrassment and something like shame.

He struggles as we walk to the car, his legs not doing well with the obstruction between them as he works to hobble down the stairs taking them slow and one leg at a time. I plant his hand on me to give him more balance, my hand gripping the railing to keep us both from tumbling down them. We make it to the car without any injuries, lowering him easily into the front seat of my car, the fresh snow crunching under my shoes.

Mel doesn't talk the whole ride to the hospital. The glow of the Emergency sign over the big double doors we pull up in front of is daunting in its deep red hue. There are three ambulances parked in front of the entrance, their lights on and doors shut. I can't tell if they are waiting to unload or waiting to leave.

"I'm going to find a spot to park. You head in, I'll see you in a few." Melanie clicks the button on her door to free my door without moving from her seat. I push the car door open, using it to pull my body out of the seat. I am starting to get light headed but I don't want to sound like a little bitch so I keep it to myself, walking towards the hospital and doing my best to tuck my hard-on into the waistband of my pants. The cold winter air makes my skin prickle, and the blood in my dick feels like it's made of ice.

I want a cigarette so bad right now but smoking outside of a hospital is kinda fucked up. Not to mention my pack is empty. I forgot to have one of the guys get me a refill when I saw them last night. The heavy glass door groans on its tracks as it slides open. I don't want to go in too far until Melanie is with me in case she has some secret magic pass that will allow me to pass the questioning at the front desk. This shit is fucking embarrassing and now that the alcohol has vacated my system, I am realizing how stupid I was for taking the pills in the first place.

It's not a crime to want to show a woman a good time, but I can guarantee this isn't the good time that either of us wanted today. Me and my fucking impulses.

The concrete wall inside the alcove of the emergency entrance is cold against my back as I lean up to it, my head swirling more now that I am standing and moving around. What the hell is taking her so long to park the car? I shift on my feet, leaning my body enough to see through the foggy glass of the door. The stiffness in my pants doesn't let me go too far, and I give up, planting my back against the wall once more.

My eyes close, the wall behind me giving me the only sense that I am not spinning as my head plays games with my equilibrium. I can't wait for her anymore, I have to go in so I can sit before I end up face down in this entryway with a broken dick. I push off the concrete, shuffling my feet slowly towards the second set of doors, hoping she will somehow catch up to me if I walk like an old guy.

I make it to the desk where a woman who looks to be my mom's age sits. Fuck, this went from the best day being buried in Melanie to the worst day with having to tell this lady that my dick won't deflate.

"Hey there, how can I help you?" I read her name badge: Cathy. Perfect, that even sounds like the name of my mom's friends. There aren't many people in the waiting room right now - an older couple with the woman sitting in a wheelchair, a kid with his eyes closed and his head cradled in I'm guessing the lap of his mother, a man with enough dirt under his fingernails that I can see it from here with an oxygen tube in his nose.

"I have a problem with my ... umm ... " Shit, this is harder than I thought.

"Ashton?" And now it's even fucking worse.
