Page 31 of Tipping the Scales

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"Can you stop for five seconds and think about this rationally? You seriously think that when met with the choice of a new girl or you, he wouldn'tchoose you every damn time? Even after all the bullshit and heartbreak, he will always forgive it all to be with you. You're the love of his life for fuck's sake, get your head out of your ass and realize that would ya?"

"Drop it, Ash. There's more to the story that will change his mind about that and I can't be with him until he knows everything." My arms are flying in frustration and I have no doubt that the other maze patrons can hear me ranting right now. I really hope that the rest of the Reeve party is far enough away to miss this.

I turn away from Ashton and keep walking, the sand rough against the soles of my shoes, giving traction and keeping me from sliding on the damp ground. I just want to get out of this stupid fucking maze. Every dead end, every stalk, looks like the ones that surrounded Colton and I during our first kiss. The cool air around us was no match for the heat of our lips together, our bodies pressed together, our warmth spreading between each other.

Fuck, I wish I never came here. At least not tonight. It hits me hard after Ash's words that maybe part of me hasn't forgiven myself for how I treated Colton either. But forgiving myself won't undo the pain that's already within us both, connecting us like a vine of thorns. I'm sorry won't erase the scars. And what happens then, once I apologize, do we continue our separate ways? Or do we embrace one another like we have been trying to find a way back to one another all along? It's so unknown and as much as I love a good adventure, I can't endure any more heartbreak. Especially not if it comes from losing Colton Reeve for good this time.

Then again, maybe I already did.

"What do you mean she ditched you?"

"I'm not sure how else to say that. We were talking and she just stormed off. I couldn't find her again after that. It's probably a miracle I even got to the exit." Ashton knows that I am about to blow a gasket on him so he is trying to justify his actions as much as he can to save himself.

"It's possible she came out before we did and she's standing inside trying to warm up," Lucas adds, like he knows anything about what Delaney would do.

"Why don't you go check there, and I will wait here in case she comes out," I bark at them, still trying to work through what my little brother could have said to her to make her abandon him like that. Ashton is a crowd favorite. It's not common that he pisses people off, especially not Delaney, they have been thick as thieves since we were teenagers.

My brothers start walking towards the farm stand. I drive my hands into my hair, fingers clenching and tugging as I try to decide if she is still in there or somehow escaped us all and went home. I pull out myphone and hit her name on my contacts list. It doesn't even ring, going straight to her voicemail recording. Fuck, I know she had her phone when we got here.

I found my way out of the maze once, but can I find my way back in to find her? It's not like I have a choice. If she is lost in there alone, I'm the best person to go in and get her.

I push my way past several groups of people chattering their excitement that they reached the exit. Confused looks pass over their faces as they watch me moving the opposite way, against the current and away from the open air, back into the stalks of silence. This might as well be an impossible mission but I have to try. My brain can't stop playing all the worst case scenarios: she is caught in the mud somewhere; she broke her leg running from Ashton; this is the one year that the chainsaw noises come with an actual creep with one, and he found her.

"Laney!" I shout as I work my way toward the center of the maze. The night air is almost pitch black, the last glow of the stars fading behind the fog that is starting to settle in the field. "Laney, come on, we gotta get out of here."For fuck's sake, please answer me.

Left, left, right, straight, right ...

I try to keep track of the turns I make but it's no use. All the corn looks the same when it's dark as shit and you're starting to freak out inside.

"Delaney!" I shout again, using her full name and hoping it pisses her off enough to respond. I haven't seen any more people since the few near the exit, which makes me think they stopped sending people in. I didn't bother to look at the time when I called her earlier, my mind on autopilot, doing everything I could think of to get to her.

"Colt?" Hervoice is sweet and quiet, but loud enough that I hear it. It's a nice contrast to the last time we were alone together, and she turned me down hard with short answers and a firm tone.

"Keep talking, Laney, I am coming to find you." I yell back into the corn, taking like steps to ensure I can hear the next time she speaks.

"I'm over here," she says a little louder with less confusion in her voice this time. I use it as a beacon to follow, no other sounds out here.

Two more turns and I find her, sitting in a dead end with her knees against her chest and her arms wrapped tightly holding them close.

"What the fuck are you doing?" My words are laced with concern, the air in my lungs finally rushing out in an exhale.

"I got lost and I just needed to sit for a minute." She responds without making eye contact with me. It is rare to see Delaney like this, tangled in her feelings and letting them dim her vibrant light.

"Well, this is the worst place to be sitting. It's getting chilly out. Come on, let's get out of here before your fingers fall off." I crouch down in front of her, trying to pull her hand free so that I can guide her.

"I know it's dark but I think this is the spot. It feels familiar."

I instantly time travel to that moment, and even though I can barely make out anything but shadows, I can see why she would think that. It's a long path leading to the wall of stalks she is sitting in front of. Far away from other people and curious eyes. The perfect place to share an intimate moment - a first kiss.

"You know they carve a new path every year. I think it's impossible to be standing in that exact spot." It's a hard confession knowing that the memory of our first kiss is all we have, never able to relive it by returning to the place and sharing laughter about how nervous we were.

Her eyes meet mine and even in the darkest night, I can see the pain behind them and I know she is thinking the same thing. She is trapped in that moment and the joy it brought us. And now looking back on that, seeing where we are now, so broken apart, it's killing me too.

"Come on, Delaney. It's dark and cold, and I think we have both had enough corn for a lifetime." I take her hand but she puts her head back down onto her knees, curling her body into a ball. I have never seen her this small, this broken. The only other time I have seen her like this was her mothers funeral, but even then she put on a brave face for her dad and brother.

"You never call me that."

"I just - look, everyone is waiting for us and they are worried about you. I'm worried about you."
