Page 65 of The Men of Sea View

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Lisa winked at Megan. “Good idea. Get our warmup in.”

The trio bundled up for the hike up the beach. “Thank you for coming to get me, Grandma. I’m old enough to cross the street alone, but I don’t want to stress my mother out any more than she is, thanks toRyan.”

Bristling, Pam nodded. “I’ll bite my tongue.”

“Say your piece, Mother,” Lisa said. “I’ve probably said it all before, anyway.”

“Nothing. Just that his timing couldn’t be worse. Right before the holidays?” Pam asked. “So selfish.”

“That’s Ryan, never thinking ahead,” Lisa added.

“It’s okay, Mom,” Megan said. “It’s a relief. Everyone is more relaxed already, and he hasn’t even been gone a week.”

“We should have a week anniversary celebration,” Lisa said, scoffing.

“I don’t want to hurt his feelings,” Megan replied.

“We won’t say what we’re doing, sweetheart,” Lisa explained. “We’ll do it Friday night. Pizza and a movie!”

“You can come, Grandma,” Megan added.

Pam glanced over at Lisa. “Are you okay with that?”

“Yes, Mother, come. I’ll invite everyone on Sea View. It can be a pre-Thanksgiving party.”

“Wait for Saint Nicholas Day,” Pam replied. “December sixth.”

“What’s special about that?” Megan asked.

“In the Catholic Church, it’s a feast day,” Pam said, poker face in place.

As they walked along, Lisa almost saw the mask slide down.

“Mother, what are you hiding?”

“Can I talk in front of Megan?”

Hesitating, Lisa figured her mother wouldn’t say anything too outrageous. “Talk.”

“I regret not exposing you and Brent to the church. I was raised in the Catholic church, went to Catholic school and allthat it entails,” Pam explained. “Why didn’t I do that for my own children?”

“It’s okay,” Lisa replied. “We, or I should sayI, seek faith on my own.”

“Mom’s praying to a lady in the laundry room,” Megan said.

“Huh?” Pam asked.

“It’s the Virgin Mary, sweetheart,” Lisa said. “I don’t know about Brent. He never mentioned it. Maybe Julie knows more, but I think he was trying to find his way and it didn’t include the Catholic Church.”

“But what if I had introduced it from your childhood?” Pam asked, distraught. “It may have helped you get through the rough times.”

“It might have, but I don’t think you can worry about that now,” Lisa said.

“I feel like I was socked in the gut,” Pam sighed. “I still can’t believe he’s gone.”

“Daddy or Brent?” Lisa asked.

“Brent. You’d think I’d be used it to by now.”
