Page 12 of Tiger By the Tail

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Yeah, that’s right. She’s my account manager, pratt.

“Oh, so you wouldn’t be taking on the project?” He tilted his massive head to the side, a thick eyebrow cocked at her.

Kat shook her long dark mane, and Lewis threw her a wolfish grin.

“Shame.” He smirked, checking her out so obviously that I felt my hackles raise.

Fuck’s sake.

“Everyone on my team is excellent, though. So whoever they end up working with will be a win for them.” Then she turned around at me, red lips pursed. “I’ll get going now, okay? See you next week?”

“I’ll drop by your office again,” I told her, my voice so raspy it was close to being indecent. “There’s one more thing, though. Come with me.”

Getting to my feet, I waved her over to the end of the rack with my outfits for the shoot. Pulling something from a hanger, I held it out at her, holding my breath for her reaction.

“What’s that?” she asked, looking quizzically from my hand up to my face and back.

“We’re branching out into women’s wear. This is a prototype. I thought you might like it.”

Never before had I seen a smile as radiant as the one spreading across her gorgeous face. The light dancing in her eyes warmed me to the core, and I wanted to bask in it and for her to never stop looking at me like that.

I watched her hold it up by the shoulder seams. Apex was printed in large letters across the chest, with ‘predator’ and our founding year below in a smaller font.

“Oh, this is amazing. We can be twinning now.” She grinned widely, poking the identical logo on my chest with her index finger. “Thanks, Roy, this is so sweet.” She flung an arm around my back and, unable to move me even an inch, ended up pressing herself to me.

“You’re welcome,” I crooned, before I got my voice back under control. Her body against mine, breasts pushed to my abdomen, was too much. Clearing my throat, I took half a step back and rubbed my hand over the back of my neck. “Uhm, I’m glad you like it.”

Kat shrugged out of her blazer, handed it to me, and pulled the shirt over the skin tight high-necked lace top she wore underneath. “How do I look?”

Honest answer? Fucking fantastic, babe.

All I could do was stare at her like an idiot.

“I think what he means to say is hot as fuck, Kat.” My brother’s voice sounded loud in my ear as his heavy armsettled across my shoulders. “You should have a shoot with her, Roy.” He was undressing her with his eyes again.

No wonder. She’s bloody magnificent.

Kat took her blazer back, slipped into it, grabbed her bag and shook her head amusedly.

“I think I’ll leave this to you boys. Not sure I’d do well in front of a camera.”

Lew and I huffed in unison, making her chuckle.

“Believe me, I prefer being in the background. Right, I’ll see you next week, Roy. And it was nice meeting you.” With one small wave at both of us she walked in the direction of the lift.

Lewis waited until she’d disappeared, then gripped my shoulder none too gently. “The fuck’s going on with you and her?” he muttered to me in Bengali, so that if anybody overheard, they wouldn't understand what he was saying. His narrowed blue eyes studied me seriously.

“What do you mean?” I asked calmly.

“You were flirting, Raja. Both of you.”

“Hark who’s talking,” I huffed, pulling free from his hold.

“Yeah, but I’m not as good as married to someone, asshole. Is anything wrong with you and Abbie?”

“No, everything’s fine,” I said evasively. “And Kat and I are just working together. You can be friendly without fucking someone, you know.”

My brother shook his massive head. “Don’t be stupid, okay? If you wanna screw around, just end things with Abbie first.”
