Page 20 of Tiger By the Tail

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Roy: Sorry, I just got a call. Enjoy the rest of your holiday, Kat.

Kat: I’ll see you when I get back.

It had taken all my self control not to add a ‘can’t wait’ at the end. Then another message came in that made me grin like a fool.

Roy: Wednesday. Can’t wait x

All of a sudden, the week ahead of me seemed way too long.

Chapter Nine


By the time I arrived at the office on Wednesday morning, my nerves were about to get the better of me. It was scary how much I had missed Kat over the last two weeks.

Two hours before our meeting, I cracked and texted her.

Roy: Treats are on me today.

It took her only moments to reply.

Kat: No way, José!

Roy: I insist.

I added one of the cheeky winking emojis Kat was so fond of.

Kat: Okay…

The grumpy face I got back made me chuckle indulgently.

Holy crap. The fuck am I doing here?

I was flirtinglike I had done last week. I’d beaten myself up over it for days because, surely, Kat had realised.

I dashed to the Bean Me Up coffee bar to pick up our drinks, and to All About That Glaze for the best donuts in all of Kirkmuir. I bet she’d never tried them, and was excited to hear her thoughts. I already knew that seeing her would be the highlight of my week.

Abbie’s right, I am a sad fucker.

Admittedly, I felt slightly bad at how excited I was for everything concerning Kat. If Abbie ever got wind of it, I’d be in for one of the biggest outbursts ever.

Perhaps she’ll dump you, the voice inside my head said, and I perked up at the thought. A part of me knew that it would have to be me who ended it eventually. I had to tell her. I had to pack my things and go. Hoping for her to do the work for me was pathetic.

What the fuck happened to you?

A knock on my office door pulled me out of the dark place my thoughts had strayed to.

“Kat’s here.” Declan peeked in, giving me a distracted smile. He was up to his ears in preparations for our launch. “Are you ready? Can I send her in?”

I had to stop myself from jumping eagerly to my feet and rushing out of my office. “Yeah, sure. ”

Less than a minute later, the door was pushed open, and Kat in all her glory lit my insides on fire. Having her finally back was everything to me, and I was unable to fightthe wide smile spreading across my face. I’d never before appreciated just how beautiful she was.

Closing the door quietly behind herself, she came closer.

“Hey, big boy.” The smile on her lips rivalled my own.

Without a second thought, I pulled her into a hug, feeling her stiffen for a moment before she hugged me back. Regaining the remotest control over myself, I stopped my nose from burying into the crook of her neck, to chase the fresh scent of her perfume blending perfectly with the sweet smell of her skin and hair.
