Page 41 of Tiger By the Tail

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You’re so full of yourself, I heard Abbie’s snide voice in my head.

Hitching my arm behind my head, I stared up at the ceiling. Maybe she’d had a point there. I’d basked in their adoration, and had gone home with quite a few of them. I’d picked up people at bars and loved the all-you-can-fuck buffet my life had been. They had wanted me. People of all genders had desired me, the brawny personal trainer. God, how my animalistic side had loved it.

Arrogant. Haughty.

With a grunt, I got up to my feet, then stretched to get the blood flow to my muscles going. I pulled on last night’s shirt, grabbed fresh clothes, and quietly made my way to the bathroom.

Old habits die hard.

I heard soft noises from the kitchen.

Once I’d washed and dressed—I couldn’t shower every day, it took way too long for my fur to dry—I padded down the dim hallway. Nothing had happened between us except for some sleepy cuddles in front of the television, but it still felt like a walk of shame to me.

Kat was up and already dressed for work, in a dark green high-necked blouse and one of her black miniskirts.


Hey? So stupid, Roy.

She turned, lips softening into a smile that threatened to melt the flesh off my bones. “Good morning. Did you sleep well?” Without waiting for my answer she turned back to the high-end coffee machine, grabbed a fresh mug from the shelf and pressed a button. The answering loud grinding noise made me scrunch my face involuntarily.

“Sorry,” she grinned apologetically, “it’s so loud but it’s going to be worth it, I promise. Lo kindly left that here for me when she moved in with Ben.”

Kat held out the first mug to me. “Here you go.”

“What? I thought that was yours.” I took the offered mug automatically, feeling oddly touched by her gesture. Nobody had put me first in a long time.

“I’ll have the next one.” Winking, Kat placed another mug under the little spouts.

I braced myself and the loud noise didn’t come as such a shock to my sensitive ears. Lowering myself into one of the chairs, I waited for her to join me.

Bringing her cup up to her nose she inhaled deeply, then took the first sip. “That’s better. Want some breakfast?”

I’m always up for a side of Kat with my coffee.

“No, thank you. I’m good with this.” I raised my mug at her

“Yeah, I’m not much of a breakfast-at-home person myself. I usually just grab a little something at the Hut. Uhm, Roy, did I fall asleep on you last night?”

Looking up, I saw her teeth worrying her bottom lip, nose wrinkled up adorably. When I raised my shoulder apologetically, a bright pink glow spread over her cheeks and she hid her face in her free hand.

Is it possible to die of cuteness? Asking for a friend.

“I’m sorry. You should have just let me stay put.” She broke off, mumbling something about me not troubling myself on her account.

“It’s no big deal, and I knew you’d be more comfortable in your bed,” I told her, searching for a hidden message in the crema of my Americano or finding a way to drown myself in it.

“I alway forget you’re used to heavy lifting.”

“Hardly.” I couldn’t help but snort at her joke. “You’re what, hundred and forty pounds? On a good day I lift five fifty.”

“I knew you were strong, but wow.” Kat’s eyes drank me in as if she was seeing me for the first time. “Well, I suppose as the owner of gyms you need to stay in shape.”

“Co-owner,” I corrected her. “I trained a lot even before then. Working out was always the best way for me to keep me from brooding.”

“Speaking of which, I’m going out for drinks tonight with Mason and his brothers. Would you like to join us? I meant to ask you yesterday but I forgot. Sorry it’s super short notice, but—” Apparently realising she was rambling, Kat clamped her lips shut.

“I don’t, I mean—”
