Page 48 of Tiger By the Tail

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“Come outside with me and you can convince yourself that I am definitely no Gargoyle.”

A scary rumbling growl came from the Tigris next to me, making him sound every bit the apex he was. His paw took a possessive hold of my thigh, and I saw the end of his tail twitch. It would have been funny had he not looked over at Penn as if he was a moment away from ripping his throat out.

Penn, however, wasn't fazed. He chuckled, mirth dancing in his blue eyes. “Don't worry, tiger, I was joking. I'm definitely not revealing my true form in a dark alley smelling of piss, and I don't allow just anyone to see my animal. No offence, Kat.”

“None taken,” I huffed.

“We should call it a night,” Mason interrupted the two men, shaking his head at their blatant dick-measuring-contest.

“Great idea.” Ed jumped to his feet, grabbed my blazer and waited until Roy and I had gotten up to hold it up for me.

The Grants led the way out of the club, Roy and me bringing up the rear. We'd walked only a few steps, when his hand settled on my hip, stopping me for a moment.

“I'm sorry.”

Quickly rubbing my cheek over his, I shook my head. “It's okay. Penn has a way of getting under peoples’ skins.”

Mason and Ed waited for us just inside the door, standing a little to the side.

“We're just waiting for Penn, he needed the bathroom.”

“Needed to piss like a horse.” Ed smirked, hinting at what I'd long assumed was their shifted form.

Before either of us could say anything, a snide voice sounded from behind our group.

“So that's why you left me, you fucking idiot?”

One look at Roy told me who the voice belonged to. His spine curled in on itself, his shoulders pulling up tosomewhere around his cheeks, as if he was trying to make himself as small as possible. What was even worse were the tremors. Roy was trembling with fear.

“Abbie.” His voice was quiet and I watched him turn slowly on the spot, his tail tucked between his legs, ears flattened to his skull.

Oh, baby.

“You left me for this bitch? Do you think she's going to want a sad loser like you? Well, maybe she just wants you as her sugar daddy.”

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” I snarled, surprised how much my voice sounded like Roy growling at Penn minutes before. Taking a step forward, I slipped my hand in his.

“Excuse me?” She sneered down her straight nose at our clasped hands.

“I don’t have the time or the crayons to explain this to you. Just leave us alone. Now.”

“Oh, Roy. You found yourself a nanny. I should have known you were fucking her after she stood up for you at the shop.” Her patronising baby voice made me want to try that roundhouse kick Emilio had taught me on her. “You're so pathetic. Such a big, dumb boy needing a human girl to stand up for you. But you were always weak—”


Abbie, who had apparently not realised that the two dark haired men were with us, blanched as Mason stepped around Roy. He looked every bit the tattooed and piercedbiker he was, but I had never heard him sound like that—unearthly, dangerous, monstrous, and one word was all he needed to shut her up. A moment later, he was flanked by Penn and Ed, with the usually harmless youngest Grant looking as forbidding as his two brothers.

“If you ever talk to Roy or Kat again, you're in trouble. If there's one thing we hate, it's bullies and abusers, right boys?” Mason glanced and the wall of muscles to his left and right.

“Detest them.”

“The worst.”

Their monstrous voices sent violent shivers down my spine, and I inched closer to the warm Tigris next to me.

“Wh-whatever,” Abbie stuttered, not daring to look any of the Grants in the face.

“Go,” Penn suggested. They waited until she was out of sight, then all three turned rather comically back around at us.
