Page 73 of Tiger By the Tail

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I waited until he'd tucked himself away before getting out of the passenger seat. His hand took hold of mine as soon as we were out of the car, and my heart did a little happy flip in my chest at the feeling of familiarity and excitement that spread through me whenever we touched.

Once I'd treated us to extra large coffees, I dashed to the bathroom where I tried to do my best to save my knickers. But they were beyond saving. I stripped them ninja style, pushed them into my pocket and made my way back to the hot mess of a tiger. God he looked positively edible leaning against the wall, two takeaway cups in his hands, his yellow eyes roaming my body.

He handed me my cup and the car keys, then slung his free arm around my shoulders.


I carefully drove us down the narrow street to the end-of-terrace house right on the seafront I'd grown up in. With mum being a therapist and dad making his money with day trading, we'd lived comfortably. The sun had already risen over the sea, its golden light kissing the city awake just like I did the sleeping tiger spread out in the seat next to me.

“Hey, baby, we're here.”

He grumbled sleepily, rubbing his cheek at the seat a few times before his eyes slowly blinked open. “Morning.”

Waking up next to him had already taught me that sleepy Roy was the cutest, but seeing him like that while I was all bundled up in his hoodie and he was about to meet my family tugged at my heartstrings.

We got out of the car that I'd parked in front of mum's second garage and I led the way up the three steps to our dusty blue front door. My mum had her office and a consulting room on the ground floor; all of our private rooms were on the other three levels.

“Come on, I'll show you around,” I told him quietly as we traipsed up the staircase to the first floor that housed our kitchen and dining, the living room and a half bath.

“Wow, I love your mother's style.” Roy sounded impressed.

“I already like you, young man,” a voice from behind us said with a chuckle.

“Mum!” Dashing forward, I hugged her tightly, then kept an arm around her shoulders and turned back at Roy. “Mum, this is my…Roy,” I finished stupidly, unable to find the words to describe what he was to me. “Roy, this is my mum.”

He extended a hand. “It's lovely to meet you, Mrs. McGowan. Thank you for inviting me to stay in your beautiful house.”

My mother took hold of his huge paw with both of hers, squeezing it. “It's my pleasure, Roy. Call me Judy, please.Now come in, you two must be starving after driving all night.” She pressed a kiss to my cheek and disappeared in the kitchen.

Our eyes met and one large, warm paw briefly touched the small of my back.

‘This is my Roy.’ What am I getting myself into here?

Chapter Thirty-Two


Kat's mum was even shorter than her daughter. Her head, topped with hair almost as dark as Kat's and in a sophisticated chin-length cut, barely reached my chest. But even though she looked tough as hell, she had such a mum vibe going on that I instantly felt drawn to her. Seeing her was like looking into a crystal ball and peeking into Kat's future—I knew I'd still want her at fifty the same way I wanted her now.

What on earth does that mean for our future?

A small voice in my head had begun to object whenever that louder voice said that it was just sex.

I like you, she'd said. She slept in my arms at night, kissed me, and called me baby.I like you.

Kat steered me to the built-in breakfast nook in front of the window that looked out over the sea. The tide was out and a few people were walking their dogs on the pebbled beach,greeting each other or watching the gulls fly over their heads.

An early commuter or two rode their bikes past on the street running the length of the seaside.

“What can I get you to drink, Roy?”

“Uh…” I looked around at Kat's mum, knowing it hadn’t been the first time she asked. “Sorry?”

“An Americano, mum,” Kat replied, sitting down so close to me that our thighs were brushing.

The knowing smile Judy threw in our direction reminded me of maa grinning at Lewis or me when we brought someone home.

Within minutes, I had a cup of coffee in front of me that looked like Judy had made it herself, and another quarter of an hour later the table was overflowing with fresh crumpets, a small mountain of toast, jams in little ceramic jars, beans, eggs, and bacon.
