Page 86 of Tiger By the Tail

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“Honey, we’re home.”

Ha, finally!

Still half asleep, she turned her head around in search of my lips. “Morning. What time is it?”

Drowsy Kat sounded so fucking adorable it nearly ended me.

“It’s almost five.”

“What? Okay, that explains why it’s so light. You should have woken me. I could’ve driven for a while.”

“You looked so peaceful, I didn’t have the heart to wake you. Ready to go in?”


Plucking her bag from her arms, I motioned for her to lead the way. I swore I heard her mutter something that sounded suspiciously like ‘Stubborn tiger’ under her breath as she unlocked the front door and climbed up the stairs to our flat before me, giving me a perfect view of her gorgeous ass peeking out from under my hoodie.

Inside the flat, Kat took her bag back from me and we disappeared into our respective rooms.

I had only just deposited my own luggage on top of the dresser when I froze in the act of pulling out dirty laundry.

What the fuck am I doing?

Abandoning my clothes, I stalked over to the door and wrenched it open.

We almost collided in the hallway, both apparently on the way to the other’s bedroom. Grabbing hold of her waist, I hoisted her up to my chest and crashed my mouth on hers, my tiger roaring with triumph when she responded, kissing me back just as fiercely.

“There’s something I need to tell you,” she panted between more slides of our tongues.

“Me too.”

My head was swimming when we broke apart and somehow we had ended up with her back against the wall and my rock hard cock pressing between her legs. Trying to angle my hips away without having to let her down was impossible, but I had to tell her. Before we fucked, before the feelings that were blooming in my chest were overshadowed by my body’s reaction to her, making me question whether what I felt was mere attraction and not that huge…thing sitting in my chest, pushing against my heart and up my throat. Wanting out.

“My life is nothing but chaos right now, Kat. There’s nothing I have to give a woman like you,” I blurted out stupidly, and a crestfallen expression replaced the look of elation she’d given me.


“What I mean to say is that I thought I was broken beyond repair. But you make everything better, you make me better, when I’m with you I feel like…flying, singing,dancing, skipping with every other step. And you should want to get away from me. There’s so much wrong with me, and I’m selfish for telling you all this and making you stay because I can’t bear the thought of leaving you. I—” I couldn’t go on. Couldn’t tell her. Not that.

“Oh, Roy.” Instead of agreeing with me, of having me set her down and getting the fuck out, she wrapped her arms tightly around my neck and pressed a soft kiss on my lips, then another and one more until she was peppering my mouth with tiny pecks.

“Roy, listen to me. First of all, there’s nothing I want but you. No money, no status, no promise, or whatever you think I need. I just want you. All of you.” Those warm lips kissed the outer edge of my cheekbone. “You have so much to give.” They moved an inch along the ridge under my eye. “You are the kindest.” Kiss. “The bravest, funniest, sweetest, hottest,” her voice hitched in her throat and she rubbed her body at mine, “man I have ever met. And I don’t mind your chaos. I adore it, and it likes me, too, I think. It likes playing with mine.”

Her mouth had travelled all the way to my nose, then met mine in a sweet caress.

A low growl rumbled in my chest. “How is it that you always know exactly what I need to hear?”

“Some might say it’s because we’re damn great together.”

“We are,” I chuckled, grabbing her round arse with both paws, pulling her up against my cock and ground our cores together. “I’m terrified, Kat.” She had to hear it, all of it. “After everything that happened I’m shit scared to love again. But you make it so fucking easy, Kat. I’m falling, and I think you tripped me, and don’t get me wrong, I love it, I love—” She looked at me with round eyes, jaw slack and I took a deep breath. “You. Your chaos, your heart, your soul, your body. All of you. And it scares me.” I whispered the last words.

A small glittery tear escaped her eye. “Nothing to give. Damn it.” She gave a weak chuckle, shaking her head in exasperation. “I love you, Roy. You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me and I’m scared, too, but maybe it's okay to be scared? Maybe we can just navigate this together, you and me? Wherever it leads us, I’m all in.”

Wrapping my arms tightly around her, I held her body more securely to mine. “Together. I love the sound of it. For now there’s only one place for us to be. There’s a bed calling our names. And soon it’s going to be you screaming mine.” I nuzzled my face into her neck, enjoying her quickening breaths. “I want to bury myself under your skin and mark you with my scent, my teeth, my claws so that everyone knows you’re mine. Forever.”

“Forever,” she repeated as she cupped my pec in her palm and flicked my pierced nipple. “I love the sound of that, tiger boy.”

