Page 15 of Room 908

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I trapped his hand with mine on my chest and said gently, “I think the real question we need to ask is… why don’tyouhateme? I seduced you, and when it predictably ended in pregnancy, I wasn’t there for you. When my so-called friends made fun of you, I didn’t back you up like I should’ve. You missed out on the life you had planned, all because of me. I’m a little surprised that you’re willing to give me this chance to be Cam’s father. I haven’t done anything to earn it.”

His fingers tightened, gripping my shirt in his fist, and he laughed lightly. “I tried to hate you, but it didn’t stick.”

“Must be the dimple,” I replied, then I gave him one of my winning smiles, letting my dimple do the talking, and Jasper licked his lips, almost as if he was thinking about leaning in for a taste.

I felt like he was dragging me closer, and I rested my free hand on his hip, squeezing lightly. “So, we don’t hate each other. That’s good…” I said, my voice gravelly.

I hadn’t even realized how close we’d gotten until Cam came running over, and we pulled apart. I felt cold suddenly, without him in my space. “What’d you get, buddy?” I asked, distracting myself by checking out the armload of snacks he’d brought back.

“I got cotton candy and chips and gummies and two hot dogs! Here, Dad, I put extra onions on yours.”

“Oh… thanks,” Jasper said, peeking at me from the corner of his eye, “but that seems like a lot of food for the two of us. How much did all that cost?”

“Eric gave me enough,” Jasper insisted. “I told the guy I was Eric Van Leer’s son, and he threw the candy in as a freebie. He said you’re his favorite player in the league.”

Jasper looked severely uncomfortable. “Maybe you should double-check with Eric before telling people you’re his son. He probably needs to do a press conference or something.”

“Nah, it’s all good,” I insisted. “I told the team’s PR team. They’ll handle it.” I wasn’t ashamed of my son or of where he came from. I knew there would be questions about why I wasn’t in his life right from the beginning, but I would own up to my mistakes. I refused to let Jasper take all the blame on this.

As Cam tried to juggle everything, Jasper took the hotdogs from his hands.

“Why don’t you guys go find your seats. I made sure they’re down close to the field, right at the 50-yard line. You’ll have a great view.”

While Cam ran ahead, Jasper paused. “Thanks for the tour. You were right, it was not to be missed. Have a good game,” he told me.

“Thanks. I’ll text you later.” I lingered just so I could watch him walk away, his tight ass practically a crime in those jeans of his. Fuck. How was I supposed to stay focused on the game when I knew he was watching me from the stands? That mysonwas watching? My stomach gave a slow roll, nerves firing.

“Get your head in the game, Van Leer,” I muttered to myself before turning on my heel and heading for the changeroom. It was just a game like any other, and I hoped this would be the first of many to have them—my family—watching.



HowthehelldidI get here?

I looked around at the stadium, rows upon rows of seats filled to the brim with excited, chattering fans. Face paint, foam fingers, and a hell of a lot of beer. The air was electric with the intensity of the crowd, even though it was still early in the season, and even I was not immune to the impact. My whole body felt like it was buzzing with adrenaline.

“Dad?” Cam said, patting me on the leg to get my attention. “Hey, Dad.”

“Yeah?” I brought my attention back to him. He had orange powder from the chips on his lips and fingers, and when I looked down to where he’d patted me, I saw my pants now matched. I passed him a napkin and tried to brush off my pants, but it was a lost cause.

“Are you and Eric going to get married?” he asked.

“What?!” I sputtered, jerking suddenly and spilling my drink down my other pantleg. “Shoot,” I grumbled, patting with another napkin.

Cam continued without noticing, “Well, you said you used to love him, right?”

“Uh-huh…” I never should’ve told him that.

“And you get all weird when he’s around.”

“I don’t get weird,” I disputed. “I get awkward. There’s a difference.”

Cam made a face. “I don’t get it.”

I sighed and leaned closer. It was a loud place for this kind of serious conversation, but I needed to nip this idea of his in the bud before it got out of hand. “No, Eric and I aren’t getting married. It’s been a long time since we knew each other, and feelings change.”

“But Eric is back now. Don’t you want to love him?”
