Page 27 of Room 908

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“What? Why?” I snapped. My patience was wearing thin with him. “No, Brent, forget it. I’m not staying.” I wrenched my coat back and shot him a look before stepping past him to get around to the waiting room. He followed on my heels.

“But I think I heard Beck saying something about—”

“If my brother needed something from me, he would’ve asked me himself. And he didn’t.”

I swung the door open into the public area, and Eric was standing right there, all six-feet-two-inches of him, his impressive biceps flexing as he clenched his fists at his sides.

Brent came to an immediate halt.

Without taking his eyes off Brent, Eric hooked an arm around my waist and dragged me into him, before cupping my jaw in his large palm and kissing me possessively. I wanted to be offended by the ridiculous display of macho dick-measuring, but I couldn’t stop myself from melting under his touch. He plunged his tongue into my mouth, and I sucked on it eagerly, my body flaring to life.

I was panting by the time he drew back, but he kept his hands planted firmly on my hips. “Ready to go?”

“Mm-hm,” I managed to say, incapable of full sentences. I turned back to wave at Kel and caught sight of Brent’s sour face, pinched and bitter, as he watched us head out. He needed to learn that no means no. Dude, take a hint.

The air was bitter and pricked at my exposed skin, and the snow crunched under the soles of my shoes. It was that squeaky texture I loved, but it meant it was really damn cold. I tightened my scarf around my neck and burrowed my nose into it.

“Let’s take my car since it’s already warm,” Eric said, his breath steaming in silver puffs as he tugged me toward where he’d parked at the curb.

I pulled back in the other direction. “No, let’s just walk. There’s this fantastic little Korean place just across the street. They have this amazing kimchi stew that’s guaranteed to clear your sinuses.”

“Umm, actually…” Eric began, looking chagrined, “I sorta brought a picnic lunch so I might be able to convince you to get frisky in the car with me?” He phrased it like a question, and at least had the good sense to look a little naughty.

I laughed, stepping into him and wrapping my arms around his waist. “How frisky are we talking about? Let’s ignore the public indecency for a second, but it’s also a little too cold for getting naked.”

“I’ll keep you warm, baby,” he said, grinning wide enough to tell me he knew exactly how cheesy that line was. Then he pursed his lips as he weighed his options. “Orrrr,” he drawled, “we could eat Korean… and then maybe I could come over tonight after bedtime. Maybe stay the night, have breakfast with you guys in the morning…”

I was already shaking my head, groaning. “That’s not a good idea, Eric. We’re still new, and that kind of step could be really confusing for Cam.”

He looked like he’d been prepared for this argument and had an answer at the ready. “It’s only confusing to Cam if we’re not clear about where this is headed.”

“And where is that?” I asked.

He slid his hands inside my jacket, his palm settling over my heart. “I want it all with you, Jasper. I always have.” It didn’t matter how cold it was outside when he said something like that, my body heating under his intense gaze.

“A-all?” I stuttered. “Like, sex and dinner?”

“Sex is good, sure, but I mean more like movie nights as a family, all of us living under the same roof. One day walking down an aisle and saying our vows, and when you’re ready, more kids. I’m talking about building a life together, Jasper. Growing old together.”

There was a boulder lodged in my throat, and no matter how many times I swallowed, I couldn’t knock it loose. “That’s…”

“That’s a future, Jas. And I want it with you.” He didn’t waver, but I could see the vulnerability in his eyes. He was laying his heart on the table, leaving the next step to me.

The L-word was right there on the tip of my tongue, I could feel it threatening to slip out. I clamped my lips shut for good measure. It was a bad idea falling for Eric, I was sure of it. There was only heartbreak waiting for me down that path. I should tell him no, walk away while I still had a chance.

“I’ll see you at eleven,” I told him instead. Cam’s bedtime was nine-thirty, but if Eric and I planned on ending up naked, I was going to need a bit of extra time for some personal grooming.



WhenJasperansweredthedoor later that night, his skin was still pink from the shower, but I knew it was more than that; there was a blush under there somewhere. “You have to be quiet,” he instructed firmly, refusing to move from blocking the doorway until I agreed.

“Cross my heart,” I told him sincerely. I had no intention of doing anything to get me evicted when I was so close to reliving my fantasies.

“Okay…” He still seemed cautious, a crease between his eyebrows, gnawing on the inside of his cheek, so when he took my hand and began to lead me into the house, I resisted.

“Hey, Jas. There’s no pressure, you know. We don’t have to do anything tonight. If you just want to curl up and watch a movie or get some takeout for a late-night snack, that’s fine too.”
