Page 8 of Pawn

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But I can't get sidetracked. I need to find Rook and Luka and let them know what I've found out.

I make my way back through the club, scanning the patrons for any sign of my associates. I find them a moment later, Luka keeping watch while Rook makes a deal in a shady corner.

"Hey, newbie," Luka says. "What's up?"

I glance over at the stairs Aisling pointed out. "Apparently there's a party going on in the VIP room upstairs," I say. "If we can get up there, we should be able to move a ton of product."

"And how'd you find that out?" Luka asks.

I'm sure he saw who I was talking to--I'm certain he knows exactly what I did. But I just shrug my shoulders and shake my head.

"Overheard someone talking about it," I lie. "Felt like a lead."

I should tell them what I've been up to.

I should tell them about Aisling.

But I love the idea of her being my dirty little secret...and next time I find myself at Dreamland, I remind myself to come alone.

Chapter three


Ican't seem tosettle today.

My hands tremble as I pick up my new nail polish, a soft shade of pink that barely stands out against my pale skin. It's been less than twenty-four hours since I reported Diesel, and Oberon took care of him--brutally, on a mafia prince's orders. I didn't see him in action, but I know for a fact that Diesel hasn't been seen all day...and that Oberon spent the night washing blood from his skin.

Just thinking about it sends shivers down my spine.

Partially because I'm still scared...and partially because this could be an opportunity.

Footsteps sound in the hall, and I look up to find Oberon standing at the threshold. He pokes his head around the corner and knocks gently against the frame.

"Knock knock."

"Come on in," I smile.

He glances down at my small bed, where I've spread out the supplies for a manicure. "I don't want to interrupt..."

"You're not interrupting anything," I say. "I was just touching up my nails. You're more than welcome."

Oberon doesn't come all the way inside; he keeps his distance, leaning against the doorway with his arms crossed. His dark eyes take in every detail of me, from my freshly painted nails to my subtly parted lips. "I told you I would take care of your problem," he says.

I flash him a forced smile, trying to play it cool. "I heard you had something to do with that," she says. "So...he's gone."

"Eddy may not give a damn about you girls,but some of us do--including Nero Rossi, apparently," Oberon says. "So...yeah. He's gone."

"Gone gone?"

Oberon chuckles and shifts on his feet. "Would that bother you?"

I think back to watching Diesel lay into Lark last night--seeing how he beat the hell out of her, how he's harassed other dancers...

"No," I reply. "I don't think I would."

I can feel the weight of his gaze, heavy like chains wrapped around me. I don't want to be here; I understand that Oberon is part of the problem, that he's basically my captor. But there's something in his eyes, something almost tender beneath the possessive, violent gleam.

If I can play this right, maybe, just maybe, we could have a chance at escaping this hell called Dreamland.
