Page 59 of Upon a Dream

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Tristan appreciated the sentiment, but he knew that Killian’s visit carried more weight than a simple message of well-wishing.

“Ella would’ve come for your coronation,” Killian continued, “but with the newborn baby, the journey would have been too much for her. Aurora has been of great help to Ella the past few weeks. Ella also insisted that I bring Lily a new dress. I gave it to Wendy when I arrived.”

Tristan nodded, his respect for Ella’s character deepening. Her compassion and thoughtfulness toward Ryke’s little sister were qualities that had endeared her not only to Killian, but to Tristan as well. During her time working in the castle, Ella had taken very good care of Lily. The mention of Aurora, however, was a bittersweet reminder of the woman who had taken root in his heart, despite the thorny path their relationship had taken.

Tristan turned to gaze out the window. “Will Aurora be attending the coronation?” he asked.

“She believed you might prefer her absence,” Killian said as though repeating Aurora’s own words. “Should I tell her otherwise?”

Tristan’s heart clenched at the thought of Aurora’s selflessness, her ability to sense his inner turmoil even when he tried to mask it. He knew he had been distant, grappling with emotions that were as delicate as the tapestries that lined the castle walls.

“No,” Tristan finally said. “Distance is best for us at the moment.”

“She seems to agree,” Killian continued. “She’s mentioned traveling north soon.”

Hendrick’s kingdom was to the north. The realization struck Tristan like a bolt of lightning, illuminating the shadows of doubt that had taken refuge in his mind. Before he could dwell any further on it, he shifted the conversation.

“Killian,” he began, his voice earnest, “your service to the kingdom has been invaluable. I want to show my appreciation, as well as to ensure that you and Ella are well taken care of. That being said, I offer you an expansion of your land as a token of gratitude for your support.”

Killian responded with a nod. “Your offer is generous. However, I wish to request something else.”

Tristan raised an eyebrow, intrigued. “Speak your mind.”

“Ella,” Killian said, his voice softening as he mentioned his wife’s name. “She is a talented dressmaker. I’ve seen her create beauty from plain fabric. If it pleases you, could you provide her with a place in the royal square to showcase and sell her dresses?”

Tristan smiled, his respect for Killian growing even more. “Consider it done. Ella will have a place in the royal square, where her talent can shine for all to see.”

As Killian took his leave, a sense of accomplishment washed over Tristan. He knew that the decisions he was making were molding the future of the kingdom, and it was a responsibility he had to bear with grace.

Before he could dwell further on his thoughts, the sound of footsteps heralded a new arrival. Turning, Tristan found his cousin Ryke approaching, pride and admiration shining in his gaze.

“Tristan,” Ryke said in greeting, his voice warm as they clasped hands in a firm handshake.

“Ryke. You’ve been scarce lately.”

Ryke chuckled, a knowing glint in his eyes. “I’ve been giving you space to grow into the king I’ve always known you could become.”

Tristan gave his cousin a knowing look. “That sounds like something Lexa would say.”

“Why, yes.” Ryke smirked. “And she can be very persuasive.”

Tristan laughed. “Well, whatever it is she is doing, tell her to keep it up.”

A mischievous glint shined in Ryke’s eyes. “I most certainly will. King’s orders.”

“Ah, but I’m not king yet,” Tristan corrected.

Ryke placed an encouraging hand on Tristan’s shoulder. “To me, you have been king from the moment Uncle drew his last breath. You may not have believed in yourself, but I always did.”

Tristan’s heart swelled with affection for his cousin, who had always understood him in ways that others couldn’t. As they embraced, the unspoken bond between them spoke volumes.

“You’ve done exceptional work,” Ryke commended, pulling back to meet Tristan’s eyes. “The kingdom is on its way to healing, and it’s all because of you.”

Tristan’s lips curved into a wry smile. “The work is just beginning.”

Ryke ran a hand through his thick, black hair. “There’s another reason I’ve come to see you,” he said, his voice tinged with a slight weariness. “I shall be leaving after your coronation. I’m afraid it’s time for me to return to the seas.”

Tristan felt his heart tug a little, but he knew Ryke hadn’t returned to stay. He was just grateful his cousin had hung around long enough to see him finally embrace the throne.
