Page 60 of Upon a Dream

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“I'll miss you,” Tristan admitted.

Ryke’s smile held a promise. “I’ll only be a message away, cousin. No matter the distance, our bond remains.”

A tiny glimmer of pride rose from within Tristan, but still, their separation would leave a void. “Your guidance and concern have been my anchor, Ryke. Thank you for that.”

They embraced once more, the gesture a testament to the depth of their connection. As Ryke departed, Tristan was once again left alone, the weight of the crown he was about to wear already pulling him down. But more than that, the crushing pressure of a heart yearning for a love that seemed just out of reach.

But as he stood there, surrounded by the echoes of his past and the promise of his future, Tristan knew that destiny was weaving its intricate patterns. He was no longer a prince grappling with uncertainties. He was a leader, a man forging a path through uncharted territories, and with each step, he was determined to shape a kingdom that would thrive, united under his reign.

“Tristan?” A voice, soft and melodic, came from behind the door connecting his study to the library.

He turned toward the sound, a sense of familiarity and comfort washing over him. “Aurora?” he called in response.

“Tristan…” Aurora’s voice spoke through the door. “Where are you?” she called out, her voice gentle.

A smile tugged at Tristan’s lips as he crossed the study. He reached for the door, his fingers wrapping around the copper handle. With a deep breath, he pulled it open.


Bathed in the soft glow of the morning light filtering through the windows, Aurora stood before a tri-fold mirror, draped in a delicate dress that Ella was meticulously working on. The newborn baby girl lay sleeping nearby, a picture of serenity within the quiet room. Aurora’s gaze was fixed on her reflection, but her thoughts were far away.

As her fingers traced the fabric of the dress, she couldn’t help but imagine what it would've been like to have a family with Tristan. Her heart ached at the thought of the life they might have shared, the children they could’ve raised together. In her mind’s eye, she pictured their kids—golden hair and brown eyes, a perfect blend of their love.

But amidst her hopeful daydreams, a shadow of reality lingered. Tristan’s deal with Rumple still haunted her thoughts. If he were to die without leaving behind an heir, the kingdom would fall into the clutches of that conniving monster. The weight of the responsibility he carried for their kingdom’s future was a burden she couldn’t ignore.

The sting of a needle on her leg pulled Aurora back to the present. Ella, kneeling at her feet, offered an apologetic smile. “Sorry, my eyes are a little blurry. I didn’t get much sleep last night.”

“Killian’s to blame?” Aurora teased, hoping to lighten the mood.

Ella’s cheek reddened, and a shy smile tugged at her lips. “Mostly the baby, but yeah, Killian too.”

Aurora met her own gaze in the mirror and couldn’t help but admire the beautiful dress Ella was working on. “This dress is lovely.”

Ella’s eyes lit up with excitement. “Killian is going to ask Tristan if I could have my own store in the square. I want to have brand new designs to display if he agrees.”

“He’ll agree,” Aurora replied with a small smile, though her countenance fell at the memory of Tristan’s kindness. The thought of no longer having him in her life, of losing the possibility of a future together, made tears threaten to spill from her eyes. “Well, your designs are stunning. Seems like you and your sister have more than just looks in common.”

Ella paused in her work, looking up at Aurora curiously. “You know my sister?”

Caught off guard, Aurora pressed her lips together, but it was too late, the words had already spilled out. “I did, yes,” she confessed, her eyes locked on the dress as she avoided meeting Ella’s gaze. “She lived in the castle with me as a child.”

Ella stood, her eyes searching for Aurora’s in the mirror. “You were taken from your parents, too?”

The thought of lying to Ella crossed Aurora’s mind, but her striking resemblance to Rapunzel kept her from being able to do so. Out of all the girls in the castle, Rapunzel had been Aurora’s best friend. There had never been any secrets between them.

“King Midas is my father,” Aurora admitted.

Ella’s eyes widened, and she instinctively took a step back, as if the truth carried a weight that threatened to crush her.

Aurora frowned, her heart heavy with regret. “He took all those girls so that I wasn’t alone in the castle. So that I had friends to play with. I hadn’t realized where they’d come from until I was older. I tried getting him to set them free, but…” She sighed. “My father is a very complicated man.”

As the truth sunk in, Ella's eyes filled with tears. “So, my sister wasn’t alone?”

Aurora shook her head. “No, she wasn’t alone. But sometimes I wondered if she would’ve rather been.”

Ella’s brows furrowed. “Why do you say that?”

“There were many young girls in the castle, but Rapunzel never mingled with them. She used to say she didn’t need a sister, that she already had one—the best one.” Aurora met Ella’s eyes in the mirror. “There wasn’t a day that she didn’t talk about you. She missed you very much.”
