Page 69 of Upon a Dream

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She started collecting the jewelry, the clinking sound filling the room as she carefully placed them in her leather pockets. These precious pieces would help her on her journey, maybe even buy her safe passage. And then there was Ella’s dress, which she packed carefully in a separate bag.

With a deep breath, Aurora took one last look at her room. Her eyes landed on Millie, a gold sentinel in the center of the room.

Aurora drew close and traced the delicate features with the tip of her fingers, a silent farewell to a friend who had witnessed more than her share. The memory of their laughter, their whispered secrets, swirled around her like a gentle breeze.

Then, came the memories of that night…

Ten years ago…

Aurora slipped through her bedroom door, shutting it with a deliberate gentleness. In the center of the room, Rapunzel and Millie sat in a makeshift circle, legs crossed. Between them, a delicate bowl held silvery water, and a sundrop flower floated serenely on its surface. Aurora took her designated spot on the floor, her heart shuddering with anticipation.

“Everyone is sleeping,” Aurora began, her voice carrying a hint of nervousness. “So, how do we do this?”

Millie folded her arms, her lingering irritation evident. “I refuse to help you any further until you return what you stole.”

Aurora gave Millie a quizzical look. “What are you talking about?”

“Oh, Millie,” Rapunzel chimed in, her tone nonchalant. “It’s just an object, a trinket passed from one person to another. What’s the big deal?”

Millie’s eyes narrowed at Rapunzel, her temper flaring. “It’s a family heirloom. You wouldn’t understand because you don’t have a family.”

Rapunzel waved off Millie’s insult, her fingers absently picking at her cuticles. “If you want to insult me, Millie, you’ll need to find new material. You’ve exhausted all the orphan jabs in the book. And if you must know, Aurora never stole anything. I did.”

Aurora gave Rapunzel a horrified look. “You stole her heirloom?”

Rapunzel waved a hand as though brushing off the gravity of her actions. “I’ll give it back as soon as we return. It’s no big deal.”

Millie glared at Rapunzel. “No big deal? How would you feel if I cut your hair?”

“Enough, both of you,” Aurora cut in. “We can’t go into another realm arguing like this. It’ll lead to disaster.” When her friends remained silent, Aurora continued, her tone softer. “I know we’ve had our differences lately, and we may not always see eye to eye, but none of that changes the fact that we’re best friends. We grew up together. And Millie, you may not have been locked up by my father, but you’ve spent more time here with us than with your own family. You both helped me sneak out to see Hendrick, and because of you two, I fell in love. If my father hadn’t interrupted our wedding, neither of us would be here now. I’m not doing this just for me and Hendrick, I’m doing it for all of us.”

“And how exactly does any of this benefit me?” Millie’s voice dripped with cynicism.

“Don’t be so daft, Millie. The Kingdom of Hyla claims your precious fairyland,” Rapunzel cut in. “As princess and future queen, imagine what Aurora could do for your people.”

Millie looked at Aurora, surprised. “You’d help the fairies?”

Aurora’s smile was reassuring. “Of course I would. No fairy should ever live in fear of being taken.” Aurora knew that was one of the main reasons fairies didn’t leave their home or travel outside of their perimeters. Because of their ability to shrink to the size of a butterfly, they were often taken and sold as trinkets. But Aurora would make sure to put an end to such hunting. “Under the rule of my kingdom, fairies will receive protection, and anyone who takes them will face the same punishment as kidnapping a human.”

Millie’s voice quivered with emotion. “You’d do that for us?”

“Yes, Millie.” Aurora reached out to touch her friend’s hand. “But there will be no kingdom if I don’t find Hendrick. I need your help. I won’t be able to do this without you.”

Millie nodded, her guard slowly lowering. “Okay, I’ll help you.”

Rapunzel sighed. “Finally.”

Aurora cast a pleading glance at Rapunzel, silently imploring her not to provoke Millie further.

Rapunzel, surrendering with a shrug, leaned forward. “So, tell us about the Dreamworld. What exactly are we getting ourselves into?”

“The Dreamworld is unpredictable,” Millie explained. “It may take you where you want to go, but it won’t yield its secrets without a fight.”

Aurora nodded. “I can fight. I’ve been practicing.”

“The Dreamworld is different,” Millie warned. “It will use your worst fears, exploit your vulnerabilities. You can’t let it distract or harm you. If you die in there, you die out here.”

Aurora released a nervous breath. “Don’t die. Got it.”
